
PA Dems Flee to GOP as Biden’s 2024 Hopes Wane in Keystone State!

The Keystone State is experiencing a red wave, as more Democratic voters are crossing over and joining the Grand Old Party, while fewer Republicans are defecting to the blue side. This news is troubling for President Joe Biden in his efforts to secure Pennsylvania in the 2024 election.

According to the latest voter registration data, a whopping 35,589 Democrats have made the wise decision to switch to the Republican Party, while only 15,622 Republicans have sadly strayed over to the Democratic Party. The numbers don’t lie – the GOP is gaining ground, and President Biden should be shaking in his boots.

Erik Telford, the Commonwealth Foundation’s senior vice president of public affairs, is sounding the alarm bells, warning that the current voter registration trends and polling in Pennsylvania are a cause for concern for President Biden and the Democrats at both the state and national levels. The donkey party needs to take this seriously if they want to stand a chance in the next election.

Both Democrats and Republicans are also witnessing an exodus of voters who are choosing to become unaffiliated with either party. 20,908 Democrats and 18,927 Republicans have made the wise decision to wave goodbye to the partisan chaos and go their own way. 

In 2020, former President Donald Trump lost Pennsylvania by a slim margin of about 80,000 votes. The current shift in voter allegiance could spell trouble for President Biden in the upcoming election. If the Democrats continue to lose support in the Keystone State, they can kiss those 19 crucial electoral votes goodbye.

In a potential rematch between Trump and Biden, recent polls are indicating a neck-and-neck race in Pennsylvania. The Bullfinch Group’s most recent poll shows a 45%-45% tie, illustrating the fierce battle for supremacy in the state. It’s anyone’s game at this point!

President Biden’s approval ratings in Pennsylvania have taken a nosedive in 2023, with a staggering 61% of voters expressing their disapproval of his performance in a recent Commonwealth Foundation poll. Ouch! It looks like the people of Pennsylvania are not too pleased with the current administration’s agenda.

Furthermore, recent polls indicate that President Trump is stealing the spotlight from Biden. He’s leading in several key swing states, including Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Wisconsin, and of course, Pennsylvania.

When it comes to the issues, the controversial ex-president is garnering more support than the current commander-in-chief. A recent poll found that voters are aligning more closely with Trump’s ideologies on a wide range of topics. It’s clear that the people are yearning for a return to the good ol’ days of the Trump era.


Written by Staff Reports

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