
Paxton Throws Legal Lasso at Pfizer in Vaccine Showdown!

In a bold move, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has put on his cowboy hat and lassoed up a lawsuit against pharmaceutical giant Pfizer. Yee-haw! He’s not horsing around, folks. Buckle up, because this is a wild ride!

Paxton claims that Pfizer has been slinging some sneaky snake oil with its COVID-19 vaccine, and he ain’t buying it. According to the attorney general, Pfizer has been fibbing about how effective their vaccine is. They’ve been parading around like a circus act, boasting about 95% efficacy, but Paxton says that’s about as true as a three-dollar bill.

And that’s not all, folks! Paxton also alleges that Pfizer has been keeping mum about some important info. It’s like they’ve been keeping a secret recipe under lock and key. They didn’t spill the beans about how long the vaccine actually protects you, and they didn’t even bother to check if it stops you from spreading the virus like a bad cold. Talk about playing fast and loose with people’s health!

But wait, there’s more! Paxton isn’t just wagging his finger at Pfizer for their alleged vaccine shenanigans. Oh no, he’s also pointing the finger at the Biden administration, accusing them of teaming up with Pfizer to strong-arm folks into getting the jab. He’s saying they’ve been trying to wrangle up support for the vaccine by silencing anyone who has a different opinion. It’s like something straight out of a wild west showdown!

So, hold onto your ten-gallon hats, because this legal showdown is just getting started. Texas ain’t taking this bull by the horns lightly, and Paxton is ready to rope ’em in and show Pfizer and the Biden administration that they can’t just mosey on down and push folks around. It’s gonna be a real rootin’ tootin’ showdown, and you better believe there’s gonna be fireworks!

Written by Staff Reports

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