
PC Madness Strikes Again: Locals Defend Town Name Against Leftist Overreach!

Liberals are at it again, trying to force their politically correct nonsense on hardworking Americans in a small town in California. The town, which has a long and proud history, is being targeted by state lawmakers, the federal government, and even the governor for a name change that locals don’t want. It’s like the far-left doesn’t have anything better to do than meddle in the affairs of real Americans.

The name in question is “Squaw,” and while some Native Americans have campaigned to remove the word due to its historical context, the locals are standing their ground. They see the name as a part of their heritage and are fighting tooth and nail to keep it. They even had a community meeting where Native American women spoke up in support of keeping the name, but of course, the left-wing media conveniently ignores their voices.

Fresno County leaders are not taking this assault on their rights lying down. They’ve filed a lawsuit against California, arguing that the state’s directive violates their freedom of speech. Kudos to Supervisor Nathan Magsig for standing up for his constituents, including the Native Americans who want to preserve the town’s history. He’s not going to let outside agitators dictate what the town should be called.

To add insult to injury, the state has even put a measure on the ballot for voters to decide on the name change. Measure B, written by Magsig himself, gives the naming rights to the county’s Board of Supervisors, where the decision should rightfully be made. The board may be all white men, but they represent the will of the people, and that’s what really matters.

It’s clear that this is a local matter and the state and federal government need to butt out. But it’s no surprise that liberals always think they know what’s best for everyone else. Native Americans who support keeping the name have spoken out, but their voices are conveniently silenced by the left-wing media. It’s a shame to see real Americans under attack by the political correctness police.

The far-left activists pushing for the name change are crying racism, but they’re the ones trying to erase the town’s history and the wishes of its residents. They claim the word “squaw” is offensive, but it’s a part of the town’s heritage and not meant as a slur. The real issue here is the liberals’ agenda of erasing history and forcing their beliefs on everyone else.

Supervisor Magsig is fighting the good fight, standing up for the people he represents and pushing back against the overreach of the state, the governor, and the federal government. Until the people of his district, including the Native tribes, want a name change, he won’t back down. It’s time for the far-left to stop trying to erase history and start respecting the wishes of real Americans.

Written by Staff Reports

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