
Pelosi Evicted: McHenry’s Office Takeover Takes a Hilarious Turn

In a bold move, speaker pro tempore Patrick McHenry informed former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that she had to vacate her hideaway office. An email from a House Administration Committee aide revealed that the room was being designated for “speaker office use.” Pelosi complained about the decision, calling it a “sharp departure from tradition.” However, it’s hypocritical of her to criticize the move when she herself supported ousting a House Speaker, which goes against tradition.

But here’s the twist: It wasn’t even McHenry who made the call to kick Pelosi out of her office. It was none other than Kevin McCarthy himself, the man who replaced her as Speaker. McCarthy will be utilizing that office now, as he should since he is the new Speaker. Republican Rep. Garret Graves explained that the office Pelosi was in belonged to the previous Speaker, and since Democrats wanted a new Speaker, McCarthy rightfully gets the office.

Not only was Pelosi asked to leave, but so was former Majority Leader Steny Hoyer. CNN’s Jake Tapper and other reporters seemed upset by this news, though their sadness is laughable. Regardless of opinions about McCarthy’s leadership, it’s a powerful move to hold Pelosi accountable for going back on her word.

As for the decision to remove McCarthy from his leadership position, that’s up for debate among RedState readers. But let’s not forget the high drama that unfolded in DC when McCarthy and Eric Swalwell almost came to blows during the Schiff censure debate. It’s clear that McCarthy is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in, even if it means ruffling some feathers.

Written by Staff Reports

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