
Pence Blames Trump for Hamas Invasion: Desperate Ploy Exposed

Mike Pence, the former vice president and long-shot Republican presidential candidate, didn’t waste a moment to try and tie his ex-boss, the one and only Donald Trump, to the invasion of Israel by Hamas. In a recent interview with CNN, Pence accused Trump, who happens to be the front-runner in the 2024 Republican primary, of “signaling retreat” with his statements on the war in Ukraine. Now, let’s take a closer look at why Pence’s claims are just as weak as a glass of lemonade without any sugar.

First of all, Pence tried to draw a parallel between the unprovoked invasion by Russia in Ukraine and the invasion by Hamas into Israel over the weekend. It’s clear that he’s grasping at straws here. How can he possibly compare the two? Russia’s aggression in Ukraine was a clear violation of international law, while Israel has the right to defend itself against terrorist organizations like Hamas. It’s like comparing apples to oranges, or better yet, comparing Pence’s chances of winning the presidency to a snowball’s chance in hell.

But Pence didn’t stop there. He went on to blast Florida governor Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy for their views on Ukraine. It’s no surprise that Pence is trying to distance himself from these strong conservative leaders. After all, they don’t fit into his narrative of Trump being the root of all evil. It’s clear that Pence is desperate to paint Trump as someone who is weak on the world stage, but anyone with even a hint of common sense can see right through his feeble attempt.

In fact, Pence has a long history of criticizing Trump’s populist style of politics. He sees it as a betrayal of conservative principles. But let’s not forget that Trump had a fervently Zionist, pro-Israel record during his time in office. He was a staunch ally of Israel’s prime minister, Netanyahu. So for Pence to try and lay the blame for the invasion in Israel at Trump’s feet is not only ludicrous, but it also undermines his own credibility as a serious candidate for the presidency.

And let’s not forget that Pence conveniently tied his criticism of Trump’s stance on Ukraine with President Biden’s perceived weakness on the world stage. He mentioned the withdrawal from Afghanistan and Biden’s decision to unfreeze $6 billion in Iranian assets. But once again, Pence’s argument falls flat. Biden’s actions have nothing to do with the invasion in Israel. Trying to connect the dots where no connection exists is just another desperate attempt by Pence to grasp at straws and deflect blame from the real issues at hand.

As much as Pence may want to blame Trump for everything under the sun, the truth remains that Trump is leading his primary challengers by a landslide. A rematch between Trump and Biden seems inevitable, and Pence’s attempt to blame Trump for the invasions in Ukraine and Israel is nothing more than a sad and desperate ploy for attention. Perhaps Pence should focus on his own chances of winning the Republican primary instead of trying to rewrite history to fit his own narrative. It’s clear that the American people are not buying what he’s selling.

Written by Staff Reports

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