
Pentagon Brass Starstruck by Zelensky’s Plea for More Aid

The Pentagon’s top brass couldn’t contain their excitement over Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during his visit to the National Defense University. They practically rolled out the red carpet for him as he shamelessly begged for more American taxpayer aid. Air Force Lt. Gen. Michael Todd Plehn, the NDU President, couldn’t gush enough over Zelensky, calling it a “high honor” to have him there. Lieutenant General, have you heard of our own American heroes? Let’s prioritize them, shall we?

But it didn’t stop there. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin also joined in on the lovefest, proclaiming Zelensky as “living proof” that one person’s leadership can save the world. Give me a break! Last time we checked, Zelensky hadn’t exactly achieved world peace. Leave it to the Defense Secretary to turn a desperate plea for more aid into a melodramatic spectacle. Austin went on to talk about Ukraine’s fight for freedom being one of the great causes of our time. Sorry, but America has its own issues to deal with, and it’s time we start focusing on them.

Zelensky, of course, played his part in the charade, claiming that Putin’s aggression is an attack on all of Europe. Maybe he missed the memo, but it’s not America’s job to police the entire world. We have our own problems, like securing our border and putting America first. Zelensky even had the audacity to compare the American troops who fought in World War II to the military support Ukraine is receiving. Nice try, Zelensky, but we see right through that ploy. We’ll prioritize our own troops over yours any day of the week.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration is requesting a whopping $61 billion for Ukraine while only setting aside a measly $14 billion for the U.S.-Mexico border. Someone needs to remind President Biden that his duty is to protect American citizens, not fund foreign wars and line the pockets of corrupt oligarchs. Republicans in Congress are finally starting to speak up and demand real reform on border policies before approving any more aid to Ukraine. It’s about time someone puts America first and stands up to the Biden administration’s reckless spending.

As Zelensky prepares to meet with President Biden and members of Congress, some lawmakers are already saying “no” to more aid. They’re right to question why we should continue sending taxpayer dollars to Ukraine when our own border remains unsecured and our own citizens are suffering from the effects of illegal drugs pouring in. Maybe Zelensky should take a trip to the border and see the real consequences of open borders and failed immigration policies.

It’s time to prioritize American interests and stop funneling money to nations that don’t have our best interests at heart. We need to focus on securing our borders, taking care of our own citizens, and putting an end to reckless spending. Let’s make sure our tax dollars are being used to protect America, not prop up foreign governments.

Written by Staff Reports

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