
Polis’s “Feliz Navidad” Fiasco Flops Amongst Fuming Voters

Colorado Governor Jared Polis has found himself in hot water once again, and this time it’s for his cringe-worthy attempt to woo the Spanish-speaking community. The governor released a video of himself warbling “Feliz Navidad,” in what can only be described as a pathetic and desperate move to score brownie points with Latino voters. His off-key performance left many Coloradans reaching for the nearest earplugs.

The video, which was intended as a festive message, backfired spectacularly as it was met with widespread condemnation. Critics slammed the governor for being completely out of touch and accused him of shamelessly pandering to the Latino community. 

This mishap couldn’t have come at a worse time, as Colorado is facing a migrant crisis of significant proportions. Denver has been inundated with busloads of migrants, many of whom hail from troubled countries such as Venezuela, Colombia, and Guatemala. With over 3,800 migrants seeking shelter, the strain on the city’s resources is palpable, and the situation is only getting worse with thousands more crossing the southern border into the United States daily.

In the midst of this chaos, Governor Polis’s ill-advised musical number has further fueled the public’s ire. With social media buzzing with scathing comments and sarcastic remarks, it’s clear that the governor’s attempts at musical diplomacy have fallen flat. Coloradans are not amused, and it’s safe to say that the governor’s singing career won’t be taking off anytime soon.


Written by Staff Reports

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