
Poll: Hunter’s Scandals Tarnish Joe Biden’s Ethical Image!

Investigations into Hunter Biden are causing quite a ruckus, raising concerns about whether President Joe Biden has been up to no good himself. The president’s son is under the microscope of the Justice Department and Republican members of Congress for allegedly being involved in some shady business with his dad back when he was Vice President. Talk about a family affair! On top of that, Hunter is also facing an indictment on gun charges after his plea deal on two tax charges went belly-up this summer. Looks like being a Biden isn’t all sunshine and rainbows!

According to a recent poll, it seems like a good chunk of Americans have their suspicions about the president. About 35% of adults believe he’s done something illegal, while 33% think he’s just been a little unethical. Hmm, it appears there’s some doubt swirling around the White House. Can’t say we’re surprised!

Not to be outdone, GOP members are getting in on the action with their own investigation into Hunter Biden. Led by House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, they’re trying to connect the dots between Hunter’s Ukrainian shenanigans and dear old Dad when he held the second highest office in the land. Talk about a family business! It looks like Republicans aren’t going to let this one slide.

But wait, there’s more! Hunter Biden also found himself in hot water for some gun-related trouble. He got indicted for violating orders against drug users having guns, all because of a firearm he bought back in 2018. Oops, I guess gun control starts at home for the Bidens. Hunter pleaded not guilty to all three counts, putting on a brave face in the midst of his legal troubles.

Now, when it comes to party lines, things get even more interesting. Surprisingly, only a measly 8% of Democrats believe President Biden is guilty of any crimes related to his son’s activities. Huh, imagine that! On the other hand, a whopping 65% of Republicans think Biden did something illegal when it comes to Hunter. It’s clear that political affiliations make a big difference in how people see this whole situation.

In the midst of the drama, Republicans even went as far as opening an impeachment inquiry against President Biden. They had their first hearing to figure out if there were any legal grounds for impeachment. And what were they digging into? You guessed it, Hunter Biden’s overseas business ventures. Republicans are determined to get to the bottom of this Biden family mystery, but it seems like they might not have enough evidence for a full-blown impeachment. Bummer!

As for the American people, they’re not too keen on this impeachment inquiry either. Only 33% of adults approve of the inquiry, while 39% disapprove. When you break it down by party, 7% of Democrats are on board, 67% of Republicans are all for it, and 38% of independents are feeling the same way. Looks like the country is divided once again.

Well, well, well, it seems like the Biden family is under the microscope yet again. With investigations and indictments left and right, it’s no wonder people are raising their eyebrows. Only time will tell if any real wrongdoing is uncovered. Until then, the drama continues!

Written by Staff Reports

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