
Poll Reveals GOP Scapegoated for Looming Shutdown Debacle

A new poll conducted by the Republican Main Street Partnership, a nonprofit aligned with a moderate GOP caucus, reveals that if a partial government shutdown occurs, Republicans will take the heat from over a third of voters. This certainly won’t help House GOP Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who has been facing one setback after another as he tries to prevent a shutdown. With just eight days left until the deadline, lawmakers will need a stopgap spending measure to keep the government funded until they can pass the necessary spending bills.

Interestingly, the poll found that 38% of participants blamed Republicans for a potential shutdown, while only 19% pointed fingers at the Democrats. It seems like the Republicans have some work to do when it comes to convincing voters that they’re not the ones to blame. But hey, at least they can eat their feelings with some blameless cake, right?

According to the survey, the majority of voters (about 67%) are in favor of a “clean” stopgap spending measure. This means they want the government to stay open with the same spending levels and no additional policies being added. In contrast, only 57% of voters backed a measure that included spending cuts. Looks like voters are more concerned about keeping the government running smoothly rather than slashing the budget.

Even though Mr. McCarthy plans to bring his conservative short-term measure up for a vote next week, it’s unclear whether he’ll be able to win over enough conservatives from the House Freedom Caucus to get it through. His proposal includes reducing overall spending to $1.471 trillion, adding some border security provisions, and creating a debt commission. The same proposal garnered 48% support from voters in the survey, so it’s not a complete lost cause. But with some GOP lawmakers remaining staunchly against a short-term measure, McCarthy may have a tough battle ahead of him.

As lawmakers continue to work towards a solution, another plan is in the works to send a package of spending bills to the House floor next week. This package would only fund specific departments, such as Homeland Security, Defense, Agriculture, and State Department programs. It seems like lawmakers are pulling out all the stops to prevent a shutdown, but only time will tell if their efforts will pay off.

In the meantime, let’s all grab some popcorn and watch as the drama unfolds in Washington. It’s like a never-ending political soap opera, with twists and turns at every corner. Who will ultimately be blamed for a potential shutdown? Will voters get the “clean” stopgap they’re hoping for? Buckle up, folks, because this is going to be one wild ride.

Written by Staff Reports

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