
Pritzker Denies VP Ambitions Amid Biden-Harris Shuffle

Rumors are swirling around the potential vice presidential ambitions of Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker, despite his own flat denials. The recent bombshell announced by President Joe Biden that he wouldn’t run for reelection but would endorse Vice President Kamala Harris instead has set the political field ablaze. Pritzker has found himself in the middle of this merry-go-round, caught in reports suggesting he’s a candidate for the number two spot on the Democratic ticket.

With a full-scale effort to fill the vice presidential vacancy, the Harris camp has reportedly reached out to several high-profile governors and senators, including overstuffed trust-fund baby Pritzker, who apparently believes he can juggle both a governorship and the lofty title of vice president. Strutting onto the stage of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Pritzker denied the buzz about receiving vetting materials, insisting he’s too busy galivanting across the country to help Democrats while he simultaneously toils away in Illinois. Clearly, nothing says dedication to the “party line” like yearning for a promotion.

In a statement reminiscent of a toddler trying to divert attention after breaking their mother’s prized vase, Pritzker claims that his interests lie in ensuring Harris becomes president. His concerns appear less about vigorous campaigning and more about his own political aspirations. But with a cast of governors and senators also gunning for the position—each eager to rub shoulders with the Vice President—it’s hard to imagine the Democratic Party wrapping its arms around Pritzker with open enthusiasm.

Political analysts predict Harris will likely seek a running mate from a swing state, which makes perfect sense considering the Republicans swiped many traditionally Democratic strongholds in the past few years. Politicians like Kentucky’s Andy Beshear and Pennsylvania’s Josh Shapiro are among the names being bounced around, while Pritzker, despite his best efforts, is lumped into the category of long-shot candidates. After all, an Illinois Governor with ties to hefty tax hikes doesn’t quite scream ‘swing state appeal.’

Should Pritzker take the plunge and abandon his duties in Springfield, the transition of power could barely be classified as seamless. The current Lieutenant Governor Juliana Stratton would step in, which is sure to be a hot topic of speculation for Illinois residents. It would be a real contest as to who can let the state’s budget tank faster—Pritzker or his successor. For now, though, the focus could shift back to Pritzker’s true job: ensuring the people of Illinois can endure his ambitious plans and high-tax strategies, rather than having one foot in the White House door.

Written by Staff Reports

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