
Ramaswamy Slams CNN Live: Unfair Trump Coverage Overlooks China!

In a fiery on-air exchange, conservative Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy didn’t hold back when CNN anchor Abby Phillip veered off-topic and brought up former President Donald Trump’s comments instead of focusing on China. Ramaswamy swiftly identified Phillip’s move as a classic mainstream media tactic of cherry-picking phrases without delving into the underlying issues.

The discussion began when Phillip asked Ramaswamy if he believes Trump’s “they live like vermin” comment constituted “neo-Nazi rhetoric.” She cited Republican candidate Chris Christie, who recently echoed President Joe Biden’s comparison of the remark to Nazi Germany. However, Ramaswamy immediately called out the flawed approach, emphasizing the need to confront the actual substance of the matter at hand.

Undeterred, Phillip interrupted Ramaswamy as he tried to highlight the broader “cultural war” engulfing the United States. She defended her word-choice argument by asserting that “the word was chosen for a reason.” Ramaswamy fired back, acknowledging the extraordinary times the nation finds itself in, with violent protests, cities burning, and a crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border. He stressed that rather than fixating on a single word, the focus should be on the pressing issues faced by the country, such as the historic border crisis, economic stagnation, and the erosion of national identity and pride in the younger generation.

Not letting up, Phillip asked if Ramaswamy himself would use such vocabulary. However, he cleverly dodged the trap, reiterating his commitment to discussing the issues and emphasizing that different individuals may choose varying words to convey their perspectives. Yet, the crux of the matter lies in addressing the substance rather than engaging in word games.

Ramaswamy argued that instead of focusing on Trump, the real conversation should revolve around America’s dependence on China. He took aim at Democratic California Governor Gavin Newsom, accusing him of “rolling out the red carpet” for Chinese President Xi Jinping by sprucing up the streets of San Francisco prior to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit. Ramaswamy pointed out the irony of Newsom’s efforts, highlighting the sorry state of San Francisco on ordinary days and contrasting it with the sudden cleanliness for the foreign leader’s visit.

Exasperated, Ramaswamy urged Phillip to concentrate on substance rather than personal attacks or diverting attention from the critical policy debates that need to occur. He made it clear that it’s time to address the pressing issues facing the nation and engage in an honest policy debate rather than focusing on a single word uttered by Trump in some speech. With a touch of wit, Ramaswamy communicated his dissatisfaction with the anchor’s attempt to sidestep the real substance of the discussion.

Written by Staff Reports

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