
Red Alert: China’s Military Might Skyrockets as US Fumbles for Recruits

The People’s Liberation Army, better known as China’s military, has been ballooning in size and strength over recent years, putting America’s defenses at risk. With approximately 2.2 million soldiers, the PLA is well on its way to becoming the dominant military power in the world. And to top it off, China’s President Xi Jinping has vowed to have the entire military fully modernized by 2035. Talk about dedication!

This growth isn’t just a numbers game, folks. China is willing to throw around big bucks to make sure its military is top-notch. According to the United States Institute of Peace, President Xi has made it clear that he wants China to be the mightiest military force on the planet. And guess what? They’re on track to do it!

Meanwhile, the U.S. military is facing some rather embarrassing recruitment issues. As of 2022, the United States’ military is lagging behind China’s by a whopping 800,000 service members. This gap is only getting worse as it becomes increasingly difficult to entice individuals to enlist.

To make matters worse, China’s navy has already outstripped ours, making it the largest navy in the world. The United States Navy is in crisis mode, desperate for recruits. So desperate, in fact, that they’ve decided to lower their standards for enlistment. The last time they pulled a stunt like this was in 2022, according to reports.

Now, get this: Individuals interested in joining the U.S. Navy no longer need to have any educational credentials, not even a high school diploma or GED certificate. All they have to do is score 50 or above out of 99 on the Armed Services Qualification Test. These relaxed requirements have caused the Navy’s enlistment goal to spike to 40,600, with the total Navy size for 2024 set at 337,800.

The Army and Marines are still holding onto their educational standards, but the Air Force is now willing to accept recruits with a score of 65 or higher on the qualification test. But the U.S. military as a whole is struggling to meet their recruitment goals, with the Navy, Army, and Air Force all falling short.

The blame game is in full swing, with military bigwigs pointing fingers at everything from the COVID pandemic to fierce competition from the private sector, which is now offering the same perks as the military, such as college tuition coverage. But let’s be honest, the real issue here is the lack of enthusiasm for America itself.

President Xi must be having a grand old time watching the U.S. struggle like this. It’s unnerving to think about the imbalance between a massive, highly capable military and one that’s scrambling to find recruits who can barely count, let alone strategize.

But it’s not just the younger generation’s fault. President Joe Biden and his administration have led the nation down a path of self-loathing, disdain for American history, and a warped agenda that is turning young Americans away from serving their country. Who can blame them, really?

And let’s not forget about Generation Z, lost in a sea of entitlement and ignorance, with a flimsy connection to their country’s values. They’ve been spoon-fed an ideology that says everything in life is owed to them. They’ve been taught that their safety is a right, not something to be fought for. And with this kind of mindset, it’s no wonder they have no interest in joining the military.

The military’s fitness, educational, and moral requirements are too much for these coddled youngsters. Their mental health is suffering, and they’re drowning in loneliness and depression. They simply aren’t fit to serve, and it’s time to face that reality.

The consequences of this military recruitment crisis are clear: America is left vulnerable. The recent Iran-backed militant drone attack in Jordan that claimed the lives of three U.S. troops is a stark reminder of this vulnerability. We need a strong military to defend our nation, and right now, we don’t have that.

The 2024 election is looming, and if things don’t change, it could spell the end of our country as we know it. The stakes are higher than ever, and it’s up to every single American to stand up and fight back against the forces that seek to erode our values and freedoms.

Our nation’s future depends on it.

Written by Staff Reports

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