
Rogan Blasts Biden Era: ‘Everything Is Not Good’

In a recent episode of The Joe Rogan Experience, Joe Rogan and his guest, former mixed martial artist and Olympic wrestler Dan Henderson, discussed the changes in the United States since former President Donald Trump left office and President Joe Biden took over. Rogan kicked off the conversation by acknowledging that Trump’s regulations had a positive impact on the economy.

Looking back to the pre-2016 era, Rogan remarked on how Trump was a beloved figure, even in rap songs. He was seen as a charismatic billionaire who captured the attention of the masses. Henderson agreed, stating that he believed the country was in a better place during Trump’s presidency.

However, Rogan also acknowledged that a lot has happened since then, with the COVID-19 pandemic being a prime example. He expressed his concerns about the current state of the world, specifically mentioning the Ukraine situation and the Middle East. Rogan’s worries extended to the point that he compared the current moment to the lead-up to World War II.

It is clear that Rogan and his guest share a sentiment of unease and dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs. Their remarks highlight the potential difficulties and challenges facing the country under President Biden’s leadership.

It is important to note that these views align with the concerns of many conservatives. The perceived lack of effective solutions to global issues and the potential ramifications of current events are legitimate concerns that should be taken seriously. It is crucial for conservatives to remain engaged and vocal about these anxieties as we navigate the political landscape in the coming years.

Written by Staff Reports

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