
Rothman Slams Biden Administration’s Push for Palestinian State, Warns of Terror Threat

Gather ’round, kiddos, because we’ve got a scoop hotter than grandma’s apple pie fresh outta the oven! It seems like the Biden administration is up to some fishy business, trying to pressure Israel into giving the ol’ thumbs up for a Palestinian state. But hold your horses, ’cause Simcha Rothman from Religious Zionism in Israel ain’t having none of that monkey business!

Now, Rothman, a Knesset bigwig, is shouting from the rooftops that a Palestinian state would spell doom and gloom for Israel. He’s saying Hamas, the baddies from Gaza, are nothing but troublemakers exporting terrorism like it’s going out of style. According to Rothman, Israel needs to put the kibosh on Hamas, pronto, to keep everyone safe and sound.

But wait, there’s more! Rothman goes on to say that all this talk about a Palestinian state is just plumb crazy. Even most Israelis agree that it’s a bad idea. Rothman points to a recent massacre on October 7 – yikes! – as proof that giving Palestinians their own state is like giving a candy store to a kid with a sweet tooth for trouble.

And get this, folks, Rothman ain’t mincing words when he calls out the Biden administration’s “plain stupidity” in pushing for a Palestinian state. He’s waving the red flag, warning that if Hamas gets their way, it ain’t gonna be pretty. We’re talking about terror spreading like wildfire, folks. If that ain’t a wakeup call, I don’t know what is!

But hold onto your hats, ’cause it’s not just Rothman singing this tune. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is on board too, swearing up and down he won’t let a Palestinian state happen on his watch. With all this hubbub, it looks like the Biden administration might be in hot water for trying to stir the pot.

Well, there you have it, folks. It’s a wild ride out there in the political jungle, and it looks like the elephants and donkeys are butting heads once again. Stay tuned for more twists and turns as the drama unfolds. And remember, stay patriotic, stay informed, and always keep your popcorn at the ready for the next act in this political circus!

Written by Staff Reports

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