
Schumer’s $60B Ukraine Giveaway Ignores U.S. Needs

In a stunning turn of events, the Senate is set to hold a vote on a separate deal focused solely on providing aid to Ukraine and international assistance. The original plan, which included aid for Ukraine along with a mishmash of other countries, was met with intense backlash from Republican lawmakers who felt it lacked the necessary measures to address the ongoing immigration crisis. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, never one to back down from a political fight, will announce this distinct deal on Wednesday.

Republican Senator Mike Lee expressed his concerns, asking if it is wise to allocate a staggering $60 billion to Ukraine when the entire annual budget of the U.S. Marine Corps for 2023 is just $53.8 billion. It’s a fair question, really. While supporting Ukraine is important, fiscal responsibility should not be thrown out the window.

Schumer’s game plan is to hold an initial procedural vote on the original border-Ukraine deal. However, with widespread opposition from Senate Republicans, it’s doubtful this plan will garner enough support. In the event of failure, Schumer has prepared a new supplemental package specifically focused on aiding Ukraine, Israel, and the Indo-Pacific, which would exclude any provisions for border security. Sneaky move, Schumer.

If all goes according to plan, Schumer will use a little-known tactic called the “motion to reconsider” to force an immediate vote on the supplemental package. This maneuver aims to push Republican senators to vote on the package without the politically contentious border reforms. It appears that Schumer is resorting to tricks and tactics to get his way, which is not surprising given his history.

Let’s not forget that the United States has already provided a whopping $75 billion to Ukraine since their conflict with Russia began. Now, Schumer wants to add another $60 billion to the pot. That’s a significant sum of money that could be better spent solving the problems we face right here at home, like fixing our crumbling infrastructure or bolstering border security.

It’s no secret that Republicans in both the House and the Senate staunchly opposed the original deal. Why? Because it didn’t do enough to address the border crisis. Allowing 5,000 illegal migrants to enter our country every single day without proper supports in place is simply irresponsible. We need real solutions, not empty promises.

When reached for comment, Schumer conveniently remained silent. Perhaps he’s too busy plotting his next political chess move. One can only hope that common sense will prevail and that our elected officials will prioritize the needs and concerns of the American people over political grandstanding.

It’s time for the Senate to put American interests first. We must focus on securing our borders, protecting our citizens, and wisely allocating taxpayer dollars. While supporting Ukraine and providing international aid are important, we must ensure that these actions do not come at the expense of our own nation’s security and prosperity.

Written by Staff Reports

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