
Senator Marshall Fights for Angel Families, Exposes Biden’s Border Blunders

On Thursday, the brave and righteous Senator Roger Marshall (R-KS) took a stand for justice by introducing legislation known as the Justice for Angel Families Act. This remarkable piece of legislation aims to hold illegal immigrants accountable for the crimes they commit and provide support to the families affected by their heinous acts. It seeks to reinstate the Trump-era Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) Office, which was shamefully dismantled by the Biden administration.

Under the disastrous leadership of Joe Biden, our borders have become a playground for criminals and terrorists. Record numbers of migrants, including individuals on the FBI’s terrorist watchlist, have crossed into our great nation. These dangerous “gotaways” are now lurking in the shadows, threatening the safety and security of our communities.

It is high time that the Biden administration acknowledges the irreversible damage and pain inflicted on the Angel Families, who have lost their loved ones due to this administration’s lax immigration policies. These families, the true victims of Biden’s failures, deserve the help and support they need to rebuild their shattered lives. Senator Marshall understands their plight and is determined to fight for justice and restore law and order.

But the horrors of Biden’s immigration disaster don’t stop at the dismantling of the VOICE office. The southern border crisis has reached alarming levels, with record high encounters reported. Additionally, over 1.7 million illegal immigrant “gotaways” have slipped through the cracks since January 2021, with a staggering 600,000 so far this year alone. These numbers, revealed by Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, paint a grim picture of the Biden administration’s inability to secure our borders.

Furthermore, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has reported a disturbing trend of criminal illegal immigrants. Just between March 4 and March 13, ICE apprehended 220 removable noncitizens with criminal records. In total, ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations have arrested over 46,000 non-citizens with criminal histories, linked to nearly 200,000 charges and convictions. The scale of this criminal activity is alarming and demands immediate action.

Fortunately, Senator Marshall’s legislation has garnered support from other brave conservatives like Representatives Troy Nehls (R-TX), Ted Budd (R-NC), Mike Braun (R-IN), and Josh Hawley (R-MO). These righteous individuals understand the urgency of addressing the illegal immigration crisis and providing justice to the Angel Families.

It’s high time the Biden administration stops lying and gaslighting the American people about the true state of our southern border. They must take responsibility for their failures and protect the American citizens who suffer the consequences of illegal alien crime. Senator Marshall’s legislation is a crucial step towards holding criminals accountable and ensuring justice for the victims.

We commend Senator Marshall for his bold stand and urge all Americans to support this vital legislation. It’s time we prioritize the safety and well-being of our citizens over the misguided ideology of open borders. Together, we can restore law and order and protect the American dream for future generations.

Written by Staff Reports

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