
Seth Meyers Show Axes Live Band Due to NBC Budget Cuts

Late-Night host Seth Meyers will be making some changes to his show this coming fall season. Due to budget cuts from NBC, the 8G Band, which has been a staple of the show for the past 10 years, will no longer be performing live music during the show.

The announcement of the band’s layoff was delivered by Meyers and the showrunner, Mike Shoemaker, to the band members in a meeting. Keyboard player Eli Janney expressed disappointment and frustration over the decision. He mentioned that efforts had been made to negotiate the budget cuts with NBC, but ultimately the network stood firm on its financial priorities.

Janney attributed the budget cuts to the evolving landscape of television, noting the increasing competition from streaming services. He likened the situation to the impact of Spotify on the music industry, where people turned to streaming rather than purchasing music.

Despite the absence of live music, the band will still be involved in creating music for the show, with periodic updates to the walk-on music to keep it fresh. 


While this change may disappoint fans of the show, it’s important to note that Late Night with Seth Meyers will continue to be on the air, as Meyers recently signed a new contract through 2028, ensuring the program’s longevity.

The Washington Examiner has reached out to NBC News for further details on this decision.

Written by Staff Reports

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