
Shocking Reveal: Doocy Uncovers Kirby’s Bizarre Hamas and Border Aid Claims

In a recent briefing, National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby was asked some tough questions by Fox’s Peter Doocy, and his answers left much to be desired. When asked if terrorists could have crossed the southern border into the United States, Kirby responded with a vague and evasive answer, saying he couldn’t possibly answer that question. This raises serious concerns about the Biden administration’s commitment to securing our borders and protecting American citizens.

Doocy also brought up a CBP bulletin that warned of militants associated with the Israel-Hamas war potentially trying to enter the country. Kirby’s response? They’re asking for more money. But why should they be given more money if they’re not effectively using the resources they already have? It’s clear that the Biden team is more interested in political posturing than in addressing the real threats posed by unvetted individuals entering the country.

Another point of contention was Kirby’s response to a question about people making violent, antisemitic threats. When asked if they should be classified as domestic terrorists, Kirby said that’s a question better left to law enforcement. This double standard is concerning, especially when contrasted with the Biden administration’s willingness to use the FBI against parents who object to policies at school board meetings.

Perhaps the most unbelievable claim made by Kirby was that there is “no indication, none, that Hamas has gotten their hands on any of the humanitarian assistance that has gone in” to Gaza. This flies in the face of evidence that Hamas has been stealing fuel and medical supplies, as reported by UNRWA and confirmed by multiple sources. It’s clear that the Biden team is more interested in maintaining the flow of aid than in holding Hamas accountable.

Overall, this briefing exposed the Biden administration’s lack of honesty and credibility. From evasive answers to blatant falsehoods, it’s clear that they cannot be trusted to effectively address the threats facing our country. It’s time for a change in leadership that prioritizes the safety and security of the American people.

Written by Staff Reports

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