
Sleepy Joe Dodges Haley Threat, Obsesses Over Trump in NH ‘Victory’

President Joe Biden, also known as Sleepy Joe, made a big fuss about snagging a win in the New Hampshire primary. It seems ol’ Joe just couldn’t resist taking a jab at the beloved former President Donald Trump, who he’s still clearly obsessed with. He’s all riled up about Trump being the likely Republican nominee and is warning the country about the supposed “stakes” of the upcoming election.

But let’s not forget how Biden’s campaign conveniently forgot to mention their win in New Hampshire in their statement. Instead, they took yet another opportunity to trash talk Trump and boast about Biden’s own record. It’s like they can’t help themselves with their Trump Derangement Syndrome and have to make everything about the former president.

Oh, and let’s not overlook former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, who Biden’s campaign also conveniently ignored. She’s a powerhouse contender, but Team Biden is too scared to acknowledge her potential to outperform Sleepy Joe in an election matchup.

Biden’s campaign manager, Julie Chavez Rodriguez, went on a rant about how Trump has all but locked up the GOP nomination and how the election-denying MAGA movement has taken over the Republican Party. It’s just more of the same old fear-mongering and baseless accusations from the left.

And of course, the Democrats in New Hampshire are all patting themselves on the back for rallying behind Biden. They’re acting like they’ve just saved the world, cheering about how they’ve mobilized to deliver a win for Biden. But come on, folks. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. It’s just a primary win, and there’s still a long way to go before the general election.

Biden may have been changing up his leadership team and getting all excited about potential primary challengers, but let’s not forget that this is the same guy who finished fourth in Iowa and fifth in New Hampshire back in 2020. It took him until South Carolina to finally secure a win, and even then, it was his first victory in three campaigns. So, pardon the skepticism if there’s not a lot of faith in ol’ Sleepy Joe’s so-called historic win in New Hampshire.

Written by Staff Reports

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