
Smoking Gun? Biden Family Meeting under Scrutiny at VP Mansion!

In a stunning revelation, it has been reported that Hunter Biden organized a meeting between his father, Joe Biden, and a prominent international banker at the vice president’s mansion back in 2015. This news adds another layer of contradiction to President Biden’s repeated claims that he had no knowledge of his son’s shady business ventures.

According to reports, Hunter Biden’s longtime business partner, Devon Archer, confirmed the existence of the meeting during his Congressional testimony. It seems that Hunter Biden was quite the matchmaker, as he orchestrated numerous meetings between his father and various potential clients. But what makes this particular meeting at the vice president’s residence so intriguing is the nature of the conversation that took place.

The purpose of the meeting, as revealed by Archer, was to discuss the appointment of former Kazakh Prime Minister Karim Massimov as the next secretary general of the United Nations. Yes, you read that right – the Bidens were apparently discussing international political appointments over breakfast. And who was present at this bizarre gathering? Marc Holtzman, an international businessman and executive at Kazakhstan’s largest bank, who was lobbying for Massimov, along with Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and Archer himself.

The motive behind the Bidens’ interest in Massimov seems to be linked to a potential deal between Kazakhstan and the controversial energy company Burisma, on which Hunter Biden served as a board member. Archer explained that Burisma was trying to expand its business in the country, and Massimov, being the Prime Minister at the time, was seen as a potential gateway to make that happen. So in other words, it appears that the Bidens were using their political influence to benefit their own financial interests.

This revelation directly contradicts the claims made by the Biden Administration and their allies, who have vehemently denied any direct involvement or knowledge of Hunter Biden’s business dealings. They have brushed off the scandal as nothing more than the “illusion of access.” But this meeting at the vice president’s mansion puts a dent in their narrative and raises serious questions about the integrity of the Biden family.

It’s time for President Biden to come clean and address the mounting evidence that suggests otherwise. The American people deserve transparency and honesty from their leaders, not more deceptive tactics and cover-ups. The Biden family’s shady business dealings cannot be swept under the rug any longer. It’s time to hold them accountable and demand the truth.

Written by Staff Reports

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