
Snake Encounter Lands Florida Man In ICU On New Year’s Eve

In a dramatic display of nature’s unpredictable fury, a Florida man recently learned that getting up close and personal with eastern diamondback rattlesnakes is not the best idea—especially during New Year’s Eve celebrations. David Humphlett, who fancies himself a wildlife enthusiast and social media influencer, decided to indulge in a little hobby called “herping,” which involves searching for snakes in their natural habitat. Little did he know that this particular adventure would lead to him being bitten by one of the most venomous snakes in North America.

Humphlett’s encounter with the diamondback rattlesnake resulted in a venomous bite to his leg, landing him straight in the ICU just as the clock ticked down to midnight. One might wonder if he considered replacing his snake-hunting expedition with some less thrilling yet safer New Year’s resolutions—like, say, binge-watching cat videos. In a video posted on YouTube, the influencer could hardly contain his dramatic flair as he described the agony he felt, comparing the pain to an alligator attack. Seems like the thrill of the wild isn’t as glamorous when the wildlife fights back.

After feeling numb and potentially regretting his latest decision, Humphlett headed for a nearby fire station, where paramedics promptly recognized the situation was above their pay grade. A helicopter ride later, he was checked into Shands Hospital, where he would spend two weeks braving the effects of the snake bite and racking up a tab of 88 vials of anti-venom. One doesn’t just brave venomous bites without the hospital bills to match. 


Despite the harrowing experience, Humphlett urged people not to blame the snake for its defensive instincts. Apparently, he believes that snakes have feelings and motives worthy of empathy. Who knew the animal kingdom had its alt-right factions urging humanity to beseech the snakes for forgiveness? It seems there’s a trend among wildlife enthusiasts to befriend creatures that quite literally think of humans as meals. While his reasoning may sound noble, many conservative thinkers might argue that this kind of animosity toward creatures acting on their instincts is not only unwarranted but downright ludicrous.

While best wishes are certainly in order for Humphlett’s recovery, the debate rages on as to whether contemporary snake enthusiasts might be better served sticking to learning about snakes through documentaries rather than engaging in one-on-one encounters. After all, life has a way of reminding enthusiasts that not every wild animal desires human friendship—especially when it comes to the eastern diamondback rattlesnake.

Written by Staff Reports

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