
Soros-Funded Goons Target Trump’s 2024 Run

The liberal goon squad known as Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) is at it again, scrambling to keep former President Donald Trump off the Colorado 2024 primary ballot. These leftist troublemakers have been talking out of both sides of their mouths, slamming secretive donations in politics while raking in wads of dark money themselves. And guess where some of their funding comes from? None other than George Soros and other deep-pocketed Democratic donors. It’s like a broken record with these liberal hypocrites – they preach transparency and openness in government while cashing checks from shady sources behind closed doors.

But the plot thickens, folks. Not only is CREW in bed with Democratic megadonors, they’re also cozy with left-leaning groups like Free Speech for People and Mi Familia Vota Education Fund, all with one goal in mind: to block Trump’s return to the presidency and promote President Joe Biden’s agenda. They even managed to kick Trump off the Republican primary ballot in Maine, using the same tired excuse of allegedly inciting the Capitol riot. These liberals will stop at nothing to keep Trump out of the picture, but their shady tactics are getting exposed for the world to see.

The hand behind the curtain at CREW is none other than liberal lawyers Norman Eisen and Louis Mayberg, and their first executive director, Melanie Sloan, who is now a senior advisor to an anti-Trump group. Sloan’s deep ties to the Democratic party, including her stint as a nominations counsel for the Senate Judiciary Committee under then-Senator Biden, raise questions about CREW’s so-called independence. It’s clear that this organization is just a puppet for the left, doing their dirty work under the guise of fighting for transparency.

And let’s not forget where the money comes from. Between 2017 and 2021, CREW received a hefty $2.85 million from the Soros-backed Foundation to Promote Open Society and Open Society Policy Center, among others. They’ve also been funneling in cash through donor-advised funds, keeping their donors hidden from the public eye. It’s a game of smoke and mirrors, folks, and CREW is right in the middle of it, cashing in on the very thing they claim to fight against.

These left-wing shenanigans have no bounds, folks. CREW is playing the same old tune, railing against “dark money” while swimming in it behind closed doors. They pull in millions from the Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund, and yet they have the audacity to point fingers at conservative activists for their ties to similar funds. It’s like a bad soap opera, with the left playing the victim while they pull the strings and rake in the cash.

So, next time you hear CREW preaching about transparency and ethics, take it with a grain of salt. This so-called watchdog group is as partisan as they come, and their bias has been on full display for years. Don’t be fooled by their smoke and mirrors – the truth is out there, and it’s time to call out CREW for the partisan hacks they truly are.

Written by Staff Reports

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