
Speaker Johnson Crushes Dems’ Border Sham: Exposes Hollow Legislation

In a decisive move, House Speaker Mike Johnson has officially declared the "border security" bill as dead on arrival. Finally, someone has stepped up to unveil this charade for what it truly is.

As we're all aware, the ongoing border crisis created by President Biden is a colossal disaster. Yet, the Democrats present a bill that falls flat, offering no substantial solution to the problem. It's disheartening!

Speaker Johnson saw through the nonsense and took to X, or what I cheekily refer to as the social media platform formerly known as Prince—Twitter—to lay it all out. His statement, "I've seen enough. This bill is even worse than we expected and won't come close to ending the border catastrophe the President has created," deserves applause.

But wait, it gets worse. The lead Democrat negotiator, Chris Murphy, boldly claims that "the border never closes" under this legislation. Can you believe it? They're not even pretending to secure our border; it's as if they want chaos and illegal immigration to thrive.

Let's delve into President Biden's authority to "close the border" in an emergency. First of all, he's not obligated to do so. And if he does decide to close it, it's only for a limited number of days. What kind of solution is that? It's akin to putting a tiny band-aid on a gaping wound.

And the real kicker, large sections of the border are exempt from the provisions of this bill. Essentially, it's a useless piece of legislation that fails to address the actual issues at hand. It's all smoke and mirrors, my friends.

I can't help but wonder why the Democrats are so desperate to push this bill through. Could it be an attempt to remove illegal immigration as a campaign issue? Their motives are transparent. However, what truly baffles me is the GOP's support for this nonsense. Are they inadvertently aiding Biden's 2024 victory? It wouldn't be surprising with the spineless politicians in Washington.

In the end, Speaker Johnson did the right thing by exposing this bill for what it is: a feeble attempt to sweep the border crisis under the rug. We need genuine solutions, not empty promises and lackluster attempts to secure our nation. It's time for our leaders to prioritize America.





Written by Staff Reports

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