
Special Counsel Rejects Hunter Biden’s Request to Delay Sentencing

Special counsel David Weiss has thrown a cold bucket of water on Hunter Biden’s latest legal maneuver, opposing the first son’s request to delay sentencing in a case that revolves around illegal gun possession. Trump’s legal woes might have garnered headlines. Still, Hunter’s legal gymnastics are proving to be just as captivating, if not more so, particularly when one considers the backdrop of his dodgy dealings.

Hunter’s fancy legal team, probably billing by the hour, pleaded for a postponement, citing scheduling conflicts with his other legal escapade in California. It seems that juggling multiple legal disasters is proving too tricky for the first son. This latest circus act follows his guilty plea on nine tax charges, which he presumably secured to dodge a Golden State trial that might have featured some embarrassing testimonies from ex-girlfriends. The image of those witnesses sharing tales about Hunter’s crack-induced antics is probably not a highlight one wishes to revisit.

Biden is due for a sentencing hearing on November 13 after getting nailed for fibbing on a gun purchase application and possessing said firearm illegally. His team is hunting for a delay until late November or early December, allegedly to afford them more time to prepare the necessary documentation for the court. Apparently, Hunter needs more time to gather the relevant bits of evidence needed to navigate through his extensive and colorful past of bad decisions.

However, Weiss, represented by senior assistant special counsel Derek Hines, doesn’t have any of it. The reasons behind this dismissal of Hunter’s request remain under wraps, which naturally invites speculation. Some speculate that Weiss might think the first son simply got his act together too late. Defense attorney Abbe Lowell argued that if the delay isn’t granted, it could compromise Hunter’s right to a fair sentencing. It’s almost poetic to watch someone defend the concept of fairness from within a revolving door of questionable legality.

Amidst this legal tug-of-war, it’s notable that former President Donald Trump recently secured his own delay on a sentencing hearing for hush money charges. Scheduled for November 26, just in time to spice up his presidential run against Kamala Harris, Trump’s case exhibits a different brand of legal chaos. Meanwhile, Hunter’s charges carry the potential for significant jail time, with penalties of up to 25 years and a fine of $750,000 hanging over him. Yet, rumors abound that President Biden won’t be offering any help in the form of a pardon or commuted sentence, perhaps a final act of distancing from a son whose choices continue to ensnare him in legal quicksand.

Written by Staff Reports

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