
Student Loan Bailout: Rewarding Recklessness, Punishing Responsibility

In a move that epitomizes the progressive agenda’s detachment from reality, the Biden administration is pushing for student loan forgiveness, a plan that would transfer the burden of unpaid college debt from the borrowers to hardworking American taxpayers. Let’s be clear: If you take out a loan, you should pay it back. It’s a fundamental principle that underpins personal responsibility and economic stability.

This proposed student loan forgiveness scheme is not just unfair; it’s a blatant attempt to buy votes from young Americans who willingly took on their debts. No one forced these students to sign on the dotted line. They chose their colleges, their courses, and ultimately, their loans. But now, rather than facing the consequences of their decisions, they want a free pass. Meanwhile, responsible Americans who worked their way through college or paid off their loans are left footing the bill.

Let’s not forget that the bulk of these student loans are taken out for degrees that often do not guarantee a job, let alone a high-paying one. Degrees in gender studies, art history, and other niche fields are pursued with full knowledge of the economic landscape. When did we become a society that rewards imprudence and punishes diligence? It’s about time we stop coddling adults who refuse to face the consequences of their choices.

Moreover, this bailout sets a dangerous precedent. What’s next? Mortgage forgiveness? Credit card debt forgiveness? The idea that debt can be magically erased without repercussions is not only economically unsound but also morally hazardous. It teaches future generations that they can spend recklessly and expect others to clean up their mess. This is not the American way.

The real solution lies in addressing the root cause: the inflated cost of higher education. Universities have been raising tuition fees exponentially, knowing that government-backed loans will foot the bill. Instead of a blanket forgiveness, why not hold these institutions accountable? Tie their funding to the success rate of their graduates, make them have some skin in the game. If students are graduating with useless degrees and mountains of debt, it’s the universities that should be under scrutiny.

Written by Staff Reports

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