
Swatting Scare Targets Trump Investigator on Christmas!

Special Counsel Jack Smith, overseeing two gobsmackingly absurd federal criminal cases against former President Trump, had his holiday joy rudely interrupted by a false alarm. On Christmas Day, some numskull pulled a “swatting” stunt, pretending to be a concerned citizen and claiming Smith had done something heinously nefarious to his wife in Maryland. Completely fake news, folks.

Montgomery County Police, noble and heroic as they are, quickly rushed to Smith’s home only to be stopped in their tracks by Deputy U.S. Marshals who knew better. They confirmed that there was no danger and everyone was as safe and sound as can be.

This “swatting” thing seems to be quite the trend among the mischievous troublemakers these days. It involves some ne’er-do-well making a bogus emergency report to get the SWAT team all riled up and ready for action. You see, they make it seem like a serious and violent situation, like a bomb threat or a hostage crisis, all for kicks and giggles.

The term “swatting” comes from the SWAT (Special Weapons And Tactics) teams that get roped into these wild goose chases. The caller often targets someone they’ve crossed paths with online or in gaming circles, trying to cause chaos for a laugh.

Now, this isn’t just a harmless prank. It not only wastes the precious time and resources of our hardworking law enforcement but also puts everyone at risk, from the victims to the brave men and women in uniform and even the entire community. In some cases, it’s led to downright tragic outcomes. It’s considered a hefty crime in many places and can land the prankster in some serious hot water.

Jack Smith, a tough cookie with loads of experience unraveling tricky criminal cases, was handed the role of special counsel by Attorney General Merrick Garland. This gig focuses on two headline-grabbing investigations involving that rascally former President Trump.

One inquiry delves into the handling of hush-hush documents at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago hangout, while the other zooms in on Trump’s shenanigans during the January 6 drama at the Capitol. These investigations are about as sensitive as a sunburn and are tied to Trump’s push to get back into the presidential saddle in 2024.

Smith’s appointment as special counsel is a signal from the Justice Department that things are getting serious. They need someone with a keen eye, an iron will, and a steady hand to steer these investigations clear of any choppy political waters. Oh, and Smith ticks all those boxes and then some.

And wouldn’t you know it, former President Trump just can’t help but poke fun at poor Smith. After the Supreme Court gave him the ol’ heave-ho for trying to fast-track his election meddling case, Trump got on his soapbox, calling Smith “deranged” and waffling on about his presidential immunity.


Written by Staff Reports

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