
Swift-Kelce Super Bowl Plot: Clickbait Nonsense Distracting Conservatives

We're about to wade into the latest Taylor Swift conspiracy theory swirling around. It appears that some conservatives and libertarians have developed an unusual fascination with the pop singer and her newfound romance with Travis Kelce. 

According to this far-fetched theory, Swift and Kelce are supposedly scheming to rig the Super Bowl somehow and use it as a tool to ensure President Joe Biden's reelection. 

Credit where credit is due – even Brad Slager at RedState called out this lunacy and poked fun at those who actually buy into it. And let's not forget our left-leaning friends who are relishing in mocking us over this nonsensical notion. However, considering they're the same people who vehemently oppose any questioning of the notion that a man can become a woman, perhaps we shouldn't take their ridicule too seriously.

Admittedly, Taylor Swift has been involved in politics for quite some time, consistently aligning herself with the left and actively supporting Biden during the 2020 election. So, it wouldn't be shocking if she does the same this time around. Swift's celebrity status doesn't grant her the power to influence the outcome of an election. It's highly unlikely that any Trump supporters will suddenly switch sides because Taylor Swift suggests it. It just doesn't work that way.

Both Democrats and Republicans have utilized celebrities for support – it's not a groundbreaking strategy. Instead of chasing after windmills, let's focus on the genuine issues at hand. The Biden administration is already contemplating ways to restrict our gun rights, pro-life activists are facing unjust persecution, and the Republican National Committee is hemorrhaging money.

These are the matters that demand our attention, not the romantic escapades of Taylor Swift and her boyfriend. It's not that we can't discuss celebrities at all, but let's maintain some perspective, folks. Delving into these rabbit holes only serves the influencers hungry for your clicks.

Written by Staff Reports

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