
Terrorist Strolls into U.S. Under Biden’s Watch!

In a startling revelation, a member of the notorious al-Shabaab terrorist group managed to infiltrate the United States through the U.S.-Mexico border. This shocking incident has raised serious concerns about our national security and the Biden administration’s lax immigration policies.

Thanks to the vigilant reporting by the brilliant team at the Daily Caller News Foundation (DCNF), the truth has finally come to light. Investigative Reporter Jennie Taer revealed that the terrorist was initially detained at the border but was inexplicably released into the country. Can you believe it? They let a potential threat walk free!

But it gets worse. Taer emphasized that this terrorist was not even a “mismatch” on the terror watch list, contrary to what the authorities claimed. It turns out that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) had known about his extremist affiliations since January. Yet, it took them months to apprehend him in Minnesota. This incompetence is unacceptable and puts American lives at risk.

And that’s not all. The DCNF obtained a memo warning Border Patrol that Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah terrorists could be sneaking into our country after the October 7th terrorist attack. This means we’re not only dealing with one dangerous individual; there could be an entire network of extremists ready to strike at any moment.

Representative Tom Emmer of Minnesota, a voice of reason and righteousness, demanded answers from Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. It’s time for accountability! We need to know why these security breaches are happening and how we can prevent future terrorist infiltrations.

The numbers speak for themselves. Over 380,000 illegal immigrants have been encountered at the U.S.-Mexico border in just the first two months of fiscal year 2024, with an astonishing 302,000 crossing in December alone. The situation has gone from bad to worse under the Biden administration’s lackluster immigration policies. We cannot turn a blind eye to the potential threats that are pouring into our country through our porous borders.

It’s about time we prioritize the safety of American citizens over political posturing. We need strong and strategic immigration policies to prevent terrorist organizations from taking advantage of our vulnerabilities. Let’s secure our borders, enforce the rule of law, and protect our great nation from these dangerous threats. America deserves nothing less.

Written by Staff Reports

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