
Texas Defies Biden: “Don’t Mess with Our Border Guard!”

Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick has taken a bold action by cautioning President Biden against interfering with the Texas National Guard along the southern frontier. In its infinite wisdom, the Biden Administration has granted Texas only twenty-four hours to vacate the Eagle Pass region. However, the Lone Star State is asserting its authority to secure the border in the event that the Biden Administration fails to do so adequately.

During an interview with the eminent Laura Ingraham of Fox News, Patrick was queried regarding his apprehension regarding the most recent ultimatum issued by Biden. Indeed, he did provide a reply. With assurance, he declared, "Laura, I have nothing to worry about." Biden would be committing the gravest error of his life, in all honesty, if he attempted to engage in a confrontation with law enforcement or our military along our own border.

Patrick subsequently imparted his invaluable pearls of wisdom to all of us. He emphasized that should the Biden Administration attempt to instigate a circumstance, each and every American will perceive that the Democrats are prepared to confront a state that is merely safeguarding its citizens in accordance with its constitutional obligations. Lieutenant Governor, congratulations! Someone should immediately stand in opposition to these power-hungry liberals.

However, it gets even better! As of the publication of this report, twenty-five governors from different states have lent their support to Texas in its valiant endeavors to stem the influx of unauthorized immigrants traversing our southern border. Certain states, including Florida, Iowa, and Oklahoma, are going above and beyond by offering to contribute their own national guard personnel and equipment to assist Texas. Let's have a discussion about unity, everyone!

Former President Trump himself has chimed in with the chorus of support. In one of his renowned Truth Social posts, he declared that he would collaborate with Governor Abbott and other border states to secure the border and extradite individuals who have already been admitted by Sleepy Joe upon his re-election (everyone crosses their fingers!). People, you better prepare your bags, because under the watch of President Trump, the party is over for illegal aliens.

However, the audacity of the United States government in attempting to enter Shelby Park in Eagle Pass should not be forgotten. Massive caravans of unauthorized immigrants have identified this public property as a haven. Furthermore, who assumed authority over the park and declared, "No, sir, you have no place here!" Indeed, law enforcement and national guard personnel from Texas. They have maintained their position and declared, "We will do it ourselves if you cannot do it properly." An epitome of what genuinely devoted citizens are capable of.

Everything is crystal plain, folks. The state of Texas and its leaders will not retreat. They will persistently protect their citizens from the invading hordes of illegal immigrants that are invading our nation. And Biden and his associates are in for a rude awakening if they believe they can intimidate the Lone Star State. Texas's fortitude, bravery, and constitutional prerogative shall triumph over the Democrats' impotent endeavors to compromise our sovereignty. God bless the United States and Texas.

Written by Staff Reports

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