
Texas Fights Back, Repels Migrant Invasion with Razor Wire Showdown!

In response to the recent removal of a border fence in Eagle Pass by US authorities, Governor Greg Abbott of Texas ordered the reinstallation of razor wire in the area. He immediately deployed the National Guard to stop the illegal immigrants.

The incident between the Biden Administration and Texas is just the latest example of the border security battles that have been happening on the border. Despite the claims that the number of migrants has decreased, the reality on the ground shows that the situation has become chaotic. According to witnesses, mass illegal crossings occurred in Eagle Pass for over an hour and a quarter.

It has been reported that every day, there is another group of illegal immigrants coming into the country at the border. The Biden Administration is not taking any action to stop them.

Abbott has been at the forefront of this battle, deploying National Guard members to help manage the situation. Apart from reinforcements, border states have also started to ship illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities and states, which are defying federal immigration laws by not cooperating with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). This shows the Biden Administration that if they refuse to enforce immigration laws, they will be held accountable.

Liberal media outlets will never acknowledge the threat that illegal immigration poses to the country. They will continue to regurgitate the same lies that the Biden Administration has been saying about the border. Americans are seeing the reality of the situation and are demanding that the government step up its efforts to address this issue. Governor Abbott has been taking the necessary steps to protect the people of Texas and the country. It is time for the Biden administration to follow suit.

A federal judge in Texas had ordered the state to remove barbed wire barriers from the Rio Grande River. However, after a court ruled that the barriers were not required to be dismantled, Texas was allowed to keep them in place. This shows that the state will not back down in its fight against the Biden Administration.

Written by Staff Reports

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