
Texas Stands Strong Against Biden’s Border Chaos – Governor Abbott Vows to Defend State’s National Guard!

Republican Governor Greg Abbott of Texas isn’t one to mince words when it comes to standing up for his state. In a recent interview with conservative commentator Tucker Carlson, Abbott made it abundantly clear that Texas is more than ready to defend itself against any foolish attempts by President Joe Biden to seize control of the state’s national guard.

But what prompted this bold declaration? It all started when the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Biden administration’s decision to remove concertina wire that Texas had placed on the border. Governor Abbott wasted no time in expressing his outrage, asserting that Texas has every right to defend itself against the influx of illegal immigrants pouring across the southern border. And let’s be honest, folks, he’s absolutely right!

Abbott didn’t stop there. He went on to explain that Texas is fully prepared for any action Biden might take, including the unlikely scenario of trying to wrest control of the Texas National Guard. The governor made it clear that his state will continue to build barriers, whether it be concertina wire or other anti-climb border barriers, in order to deny illegal entry into Texas. And let me tell you, folks, that’s what we like to hear!

But this isn’t the first time Abbott has reached out to Biden for help and been ignored. The governor revealed that he sent the president not one, not two, but EIGHT letters seeking assistance with the border crisis, and not once did Biden bother to respond. Talk about disrespect! Abbott made it clear that he has done everything in his power, including citing constitutional provisions, to show that Texas is being invaded and needs support. But Biden and his liberal cronies have turned a blind eye to the needs of the Lone Star State.

Fortunately, Abbott isn’t in this fight alone. He proudly mentioned that ten other states have declared their support for Texas and sent their National Guard to assist. That’s what true allies do, folks! Abbott expressed his hope that more states will step up and lend a hand as Texas continues to erect barriers to protect its citizens.

And let me tell you something, folks. Abbott knows that all of this chaos and lawlessness at our southern border will come to an end when a new president is sworn in. A president who will actually enforce immigration laws and prioritize the safety and security of our great nation. You can bet that Abbott, along with countless other conservatives, is eagerly awaiting January 20th of next year.

So, let’s applaud Governor Abbott for his unwavering commitment to the people of Texas. He won’t back down in the face of Biden’s incompetence and disregard for the rule of law. Texas will stand strong, protect its borders, and defend its citizens against the tide of illegal immigration. Keep fighting the good fight, Governor Abbott!

Written by Staff Reports

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