
Texas Strikes Back: Reinstalls Razor Wire, Defies Biden’s Border Policies!

In a shocking turn of events, over 10,000 illegal migrants have brazenly crossed into Eagle Pass, Texas within the past day. This invasion has prompted a state of emergency in the small border town, as its residents grapple with an overwhelming crisis. Governor Greg Abbott, a staunch conservative Republican, wasted no time in taking action. He ordered the reinstallation of razor wire fences to deter the hordes of illegal aliens streaming across the border. The federal officials had previously cut down the fence, which only incentivizes more illegal crossings. Abbott blames the Biden Administration for “opening the floodgates” and allowing this chaos to unfold. Shelters and resources in Texas are stretched thin, and innocent communities are suffering as a result.

To combat this unprecedented influx of illegal migrants, Governor Abbott immediately deployed additional Texas National Guard forces. These brave men and women are tasked with securing the border and preventing further illegal crossings. Abbott did not mince words in his criticism of President Joe Biden’s disastrous policies. In fact, he shared a letter he had sent to Biden back in November, where he warned of the consequences that would arise from the President’s lax approach to immigration. Now, his prediction has become a grim reality – an invasion at our border.

In response to the escalating crisis, the Biden Administration has reluctantly sent 800 troops to support the overwhelmed Texas National Guardsmen. However, this half-hearted effort falls short of what is needed to address the magnitude of the situation. Meanwhile, residents of Eagle Pass are living in constant fear and uncertainty. Their hospitals are becoming overwhelmed, and tragic incidents like the recent drowning of a three-year-old boy highlight the dangers posed by this unchecked migration.

It is worth noting that just last month, a federal judge had ordered Texas to remove razor-wire barriers that were effectively halting the flow of illegal migrants across the Rio Grande River. Fortunately, a U.S. appeals court later overturned this ruling, allowing Texas to maintain this crucial barrier. Such legal battles illustrate the constant struggle faced by conservative states like Texas, as they fight to protect their citizens and maintain the rule of law.

The crisis at the Texas-Mexico border is a grave matter that demands immediate attention. President Biden and his administration must acknowledge the severity of the situation and take decisive action to secure our borders. The safety and well-being of American citizens should always be the top priority, and the current state of affairs is simply unacceptable. It is time to end this madness and restore order at our borders.

Written by Staff Reports

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