
“The View” Clueless on Guns: Ignorance Overshadows Tragedy

On Friday, ‘The View’ once again demonstrated their lack of understanding when it comes to firearms and the Second Amendment. Joy Behar and Sunny Hostin, two of the show’s co-hosts, made a mockery of hunting and completely missed the mark on the 90s assault weapons ban.

Behar’s claim that using an AR-15 for hunting demolishes the animal is simply nonsensical. It’s clear she has no knowledge of proper hunting techniques or the capabilities of firearms. Maybe she should spend less time on television and more time in the great outdoors, learning about the values and traditions of real Americans.

And let’s not forget about Hostin’s empty-headed assertion that there were no mass shootings during the assault weapons ban. Clearly, she needs a history lesson. The tragedy at Columbine High School happened during that very time period. It’s baffling how someone can be so misinformed and still have a prominent platform to spew their nonsense.

But the real kicker was Behar’s claim that gun manufacturers are profiting off of dead people. This is nothing more than a baseless conspiracy theory that plays into the left’s fear-mongering tactics. It’s important to remember that the firearms industry, like any other industry, exists to provide products that law-abiding citizens want and need for self-defense and recreation. To demonize them in this way is not only unfair, but it also distracts from the real issues at hand.

The ladies of ‘The View’ should be using their platform to have meaningful discussions, not spreading ignorance and misinformation. It’s about time they started listening to the voices of real Americans, who understand and respect the rights guaranteed by the Constitution.

Meanwhile, as the nation mourns the tragic mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine, certain individuals continue to exploit the situation to push their gun control agenda. The suspect, Robert Card, is still being pursued, and authorities are leaving no stone unturned in their search, even expanding their efforts to the nearby Androscoggin River.

Maine Public Safety Commissioner Mike Sauschuck made it clear that every possible location is being considered in this manhunt. The fact that divers are searching the river while being mindful of potential evidence and bodies shows the dedication of law enforcement to this investigation. Their efforts should be commended, rather than overshadowed by the antics and misinformed opinions of talk show hosts.

It’s times like these when we should be focused on the victims, their families, and supporting law enforcement. Instead, we are bombarded with sensationalized TV segments and outlandish claims. It’s a sad reminder of the state of our media and the desperate attempts to push an agenda rather than address the root causes of these tragedies.

It’s time for ‘The View’ to do some serious soul-searching and ask themselves if they are truly serving the American people or just pushing a partisan narrative. It’s clear that their understanding of firearms and the Second Amendment is severely lacking. It’s time for informed and level-headed discussions, not ignorant rants and baseless accusations.

Written by Staff Reports

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