
Trump Boldly Smacks Down Senate Over Border Deal Mistake!

Former President Donald Trump wasted no time in criticizing the proposed border deal announced by Senate negotiators. Taking to his new social media platform, Truth Social, Trump expressed his strong opposition to the bill, calling it a “horrendous Border Bill” that would only benefit Democrats. He argued that the bill absolves Democrats of their responsibility for the border crisis and unfairly places the blame on Republicans.

In Trump’s opinion, a separate border and immigration bill should be pursued, independent of foreign aid considerations. He emphasized that the Democrats broke the immigration and border system, and it should be their responsibility to fix it. Ending his message with his signature slogan, Trump urged his supporters to “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!”

House Speaker Mike Johnson echoed Trump’s sentiment, declaring that the bill would not be considered by the House in its current form. He criticized the bill as even worse than expected and claimed it would do little to address the border catastrophe that Trump has created. Johnson quoted a lead Democratic negotiator’s comment that “the border never closes” under this legislation, asserting that the bill would be dead on arrival if it reached the House.

Meanwhile, The New York Times reported that the proposed $118.3 billion package includes significant military aid to Ukraine and Israel, as well as funds for victims of global crises like Palestinians. As for the southern border, the bill allocates $20 million for additional border agents and detention facilities. It also includes provisions for closing the border if encounters with migrants surpass certain thresholds.

However, many Republicans voiced their opposition to the bill. One notable aspect of the bill is the introduction of a new requirement for asylum claims, which would demand that illegal immigrants explain why they couldn’t have sought safety in different parts of their home countries. Additionally, the bill would create green card-eligible family and employment-based visas for illegal immigrants over a five-year period.

While some Republicans, like Sen. Lindsey Graham, urged keeping an open mind about the proposal, Trump’s strong condemnation and Johnson’s firm rejection indicate that the bill faces an uphill battle in the House. As the debate heats up, it remains to be seen what revisions, if any, will be made to the proposed border deal.

Written by Staff Reports

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