
Trump Challenges Biden to Pre-Debate Drug Test Ahead of Face-Off

In a scenario that feels more like a pre-fight hype than preparation for a presidential debate, former President Donald Trump has thrown down the gauntlet, challenging President Joe Biden to take a drug test ahead of their upcoming face-off. Of course, Trump agreed to pony up himself, in what can only be described as a reality TV-worthy spectacle.

Trump and his Republican allies have long wondered if Biden’s sudden bursts of clarity and energy are au naturel or the result of some sort of performance-enhancing cocktail. Biden’s camp has, unsurprisingly, brushed off these jabs as not-so-fancy footwork meant to detract from the real issues. But Trump upped the ante this Monday by making it clear: let’s both take drug tests before the debate.

The Biden campaign, true to form, shrugged off the challenge. Biden’s campaign cochairman Mitch Landrieu casually dismissed Trump’s remarks, emphasizing that the former president’s memory isn’t exactly steel trap quality either. Landrieu assured everyone that Biden will show up, hale and hearty, ready to go toe-to-toe with Trump.

But this isn’t exactly new territory for Trump. He’s been firing off these drug test barbs since the 2020 campaign. Speaking at Minnesota’s Lincoln Reagan Dinner in May, Trump joked that Biden would be “so jacked up” for any debate, even claiming Biden seemed “high as a kite” during his State of the Union Address. Clearly, Trump has been saving these rhetorical jabs like a wrestler saves his signature moves.

The merry-go-round doesn’t end there. Other Republicans are hopping on board too. Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX), who just so happens to be a former White House physician, lobbed demands for Biden to take a drug test during the presidential debate. He suggested Biden’s time at Camp David was likely more about perfecting a pharmaceutical regimen than practicing lines for the debate.

Jackson even speculated on Fox News that Biden’s camp might be experimenting with just the right mix of medications to boost his mental sharpness and alertness, perhaps to counteract symptoms of what Jackson believes to be cognitive decline. Seems the GOP is gearing up for a prescription-based drama to unfold on the debate stage.

Only time will tell if there will be any real substance to these claims or if it’s just high-stakes showmanship. Either way, get the popcorn ready – this debate promises to be anything but dull.

Written by Staff Reports

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