
Trump Crushes Biden by 10% in Shocking Poll: Dems Panic!

ABC’s Martha Raddatz just couldn’t hold back her disbelief as she reported on a new Washington Post/ABC poll that showed former president Donald Trump leading Joe Biden by a whopping 10 percentage points. Oh boy, this is a tough pill to swallow for all those Democrats out there!

But it’s not just the overall lead that’s got the left in a panic. This poll has revealed some serious cracks in Biden’s support among key demographics. Trump is dominating with independents, leading them by a whopping 13 percentage points nationwide. And get this, he’s even winning over Hispanics by six points! That’s right, folks, Trump’s appeal is cutting across all racial and ethnic lines. He’s even managed to snag a solid 43 percent of the nonwhite vote. Democrats must be sweating bullets right now.

Martha Raddatz and former Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Donna Brazille tried their best to downplay the poll’s significance, but let’s be real here. It’s hard to spin this kind of data when the numbers are staring you right in the face. Brazille’s suggestion that Democrats should be out in the streets like they were all year is just laughable. I hate to break it to you, Donna, but protesting won’t change people’s minds about Biden’s failures.

And speaking of failures, Raddatz brought up the elephant in the room – Biden’s age. It’s no secret that the guy is getting up there in years, and the American people are starting to have serious concerns. Sure, Biden can’t turn back the clock, but his constant insistence that we should just look at him isn’t fooling anyone. People are looking, and what they see is a president who is struggling to keep up.

Even Politico news chief Alex Burns chimed in, acknowledging that Biden’s age is an “unfixable issue.” You can’t perform miracles, folks. You can’t make the president younger. And while you can try to make him look a little better with some fancy makeup and a good lighting crew, it’s not going to change the fact that he’s just not up to the task.

So, what’s the takeaway from all this? Well, it’s clear that Trump still holds a strong grip on the American people. His support spans across demographics and is a force to be reckoned with. Meanwhile, Biden is struggling to connect with voters and his age is becoming a serious liability. But hey, Democrats, don’t go running to the panic room just yet. There’s still plenty of time for you to improve your messaging and convince the American people that Biden’s not a total disaster. Just don’t hold your breath.

Written by Staff Reports

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