
Trump Crushes Haley in South Carolina with Titanic 35-Point Lead!

In a recent poll conducted by Fabrizio, Lee & Associates for the pro-Trump MAGA Inc. PAC, it has been revealed that former President Donald Trump is dominating the Republican primary race in South Carolina with a whopping 35-point lead over his rival, former Gov. Nikki Haley. The poll indicates that Trump has secured a staggering 66 percent of support among likely South Carolina Republican primary voters, while Haley trails far behind with only 31 percent.

The results further show that Trump’s support is rock solid, with 59 percent of respondents expressing definite support for the former president. On the other hand, Haley’s backing seems less certain, with only 24 percent of poll participants expressing definite support for her. The poll even indicates that when voters learn of former Rep. Liz Cheney’s endorsement of Haley, it has little impact on boosting her support, as Trump maintains his lead.

Even an anti-Trump ad from the Haley campaign failed to sway voters, as the poll shows that the ad had no significant impact on voters’ preferences, with 64 percent still backing Trump. Despite Haley’s favorable approval ratings from over two-thirds of respondents for her performance as governor, she still lags behind Trump in the poll, with the former president leading 56 percent to 40 percent among those who approve of Haley.

The poll results seem to indicate that South Carolina is steadfastly in Trump’s camp, with Haley’s attempts at winning over voters with attack ads and positive job approval ratings falling short. The memo from Fabrizio, Lee & Associates concludes that despite Haley’s efforts, South Carolina remains firmly Trump country.

Despite Trump’s resounding victories in the first two Republican nomination contests in Iowa and New Hampshire and calls for unity behind him from GOP leaders, Haley is determined to stay in the race until at least Super Tuesday, March 5, as she voiced on NBC News’s Meet the Press.

With these poll results overwhelming in favor of Trump, it seems that the former president’s support among South Carolina Republican primary voters remains unwavering.

Written by Staff Reports

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