
Trump Dominates in Polls Against Harris by Seven Points, Even with Third-Party Candidates

Recent polling data has given conservative Americans a bit of a chuckle, showing that former President Donald Trump is leading Kamala Harris, the vice president known more for her giggles and gaffes than for her governing prowess, by a solid seven points in a hypothetical two-person showdown, courtesy of Rasmussen. It appears that even the polls realize that Harris isn’t ready for primetime, and the more people see her, the harder it is to stay in the delusion that she’s competent.

In this delightful scenario, Trump scores 50 percent of the support, leaving Harris floundering at 43 percent. Introduce third-party contenders like the perpetually confused Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and the dreams of those hopeful for a Green New Deal, and Trump’s numbers barely budge. With these candidates in the mix, Trump still outpaces ‘CacklerMcNeverBorderCzar’ by a respectable 49 to 42 percent, a clear indication that voter appetite for anything Harris is just, well, nonexistent.

The breakdown of demographics reveals just how far Harris has fallen. Among men, Trump commands a dominating 53 to 41 percent lead. Even among women, where Harris hoped to make inroads, Trump barely edges her out at 47 to 45 percent. What’s striking, though, is Harris’s tenuous grasp on the Hispanic vote, where she’s only managing to outperform Trump by a paltry one point. Most alarming for Democratic strategists, her support among Black voters is shockingly low at 60 to 34 percent, a disparity that should make any Democrat nervous, especially considering the usual expectation of near-total loyalty from that demographic. 


Polling also highlights a troubling fact for the Democrats: a significant plurality of voters, 43 percent, believe that Harris is not the best candidate for her party this election cycle. Only a mere 41 percent deem her suitable, and as for Independents—well, that number of supporters dwindles to a meager 28 percent. If this keeps up, Harris might just need to start taking lessons from the likes of Ronald Reagan on how to connect with middle America.

In a rather humorous twist, recent polling suggests that Trump’s lead over Sleepy Joe Biden has only increased from six points to seven points over the past two weeks. Perhaps the media’s pomp and circumstance surrounding the administration’s supposed “victories” is falling on deaf ears, and the public is favoring a return to Trump’s brand of chaos—chaos that, let’s be honest, is more entertaining and less suffocating than Harris’s brand of cluelessness.

With all this data swirling around, the dynamics of the upcoming race remain in flux, but one thing is for certain: any debates between Trump and Harris will be an absolute spectacle. Additionally, the forthcoming Democratic convention may provide some last-ditch efforts for the party to salvage Harris’s image, but the way things are shaping up, it seems a tough hill to climb against a candidate like Trump who thrives on spectacle, charisma, and a healthy dose of humor at the expense of his opponents. If Harris hopes to make any headway, she might want to start practicing her debate quips—because she’ll need all the help she can get.

Written by Staff Reports

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