
Trump Leads Biden by 4 Points in Florida After Conviction Poll Shows

Former President Donald Trump has been a popular figure in Florida, but recent events may have affected his standing in the state. A new poll conducted after his criminal conviction shows Trump leading President Joe Biden by just four points. This suggests that Trump’s support in Florida may have taken a hit following his legal troubles.

The survey, commissioned by Fox News and conducted by Shaw & Company Research, revealed that 50% of registered Florida voters support Trump, while 46% favor Biden. In the 2020 election, Trump won with 51.2% of the vote compared to Biden’s 47.9%. Trump’s lead widens to seven points when independent candidates Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Cornel West, along with Green Party nominee Jill Stein, are included in the poll.

It is interesting to note that Biden’s support among African Americans has dropped, with only 69% backing him compared to a higher percentage in the previous election. Trump continues to have strong support among certain demographics, including white evangelical Christians, rural residents, and voters without college degrees. These numbers indicate that Trump still has a loyal base in Florida.

Despite Trump’s lead in the poll, some analysts believe that Biden may see a slight increase in support due to Trump’s conviction. Pollster Daron Shaw suggests that Biden could gain a single percentage point as a result of the verdict. However, it is important to consider that this poll may be an outlier, as other surveys show Trump with a more significant lead over Biden.

It is clear that the political landscape in Florida is evolving, with both candidates vying for support in the state. Trump’s legal troubles may have influenced his standing in the polls, but his base of supporters remains strong. As the 2024 election approaches, these poll numbers will continue to fluctuate, making Florida a key battleground state to watch.

Written by Staff Reports

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