
Trump Nukes Left-Leaning Reporter With Epic Truth Bomb, Media in Chaos!

In a Truth Social post on Thursday, former President Donald J. Trump did what he does best: he brought the heat to New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman. Trump wasted no time in throwing some shade her way, calling her “Maggot Hagerman.” Ouch!

What got under Trump’s skin this time? Well, it seems like Haberman’s coverage of a recent court case got him all riled up. Trump accused her of fixating on a gag order instead of focusing on the actual merits of the case. And that’s not all he had to say! Trump didn’t hold back from going after the “Trump Hating Judge” and the “Racist Attorney General’s STAR witness” too.

According to Trump, Haberman’s “FAKE” story ignored the fact that the STAR witness was behaving like a dog on the witness stand (cue Perry Mason theme song) and admitted that Trump never asked him to do anything wrong. Oh, and guess what? This witness also confessed to lying to Congress…again! Oops, brand new charges. Trump saw this as a clear sign that there’s no longer a witness or a case against him.

But Trump didn’t stop there. He couldn’t help but take a swing at the “Trump Hating Judge” who apparently refuses to respect or accept a decision from the Appeals Court. According to Trump, this is a first! He thinks Haberman should shift her attention to “Corrupt Prosecutors and Judges” instead of obsessing over his every move.

The liberal media, of course, jumped at the opportunity to criticize Trump’s roast of Haberman. Mediaite didn’t hold back, calling Trump’s post a “grotesque and childish insult.” They highlighted Haberman’s impressive resume as an award-winning journalist and author of the book, “Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America.” They also made sure to remind everyone about Trump’s history of taunting Haberman by misspelling her last name as “Hagerman.” The drama never ends!

Meanwhile, social media was buzzing with reactions to Trump’s latest attack. Love him or hate him, you can always count on Trump for some bold and controversial remarks. And hey, at least he keeps things interesting!

Trump isn’t exactly known for his subtlety, and this latest post is no exception. He pulls no punches in criticizing Haberman and airing his grievances about biased judges and prosecutors. While some may see his comments as extreme and immature, there is a certain entertainment value in Trump’s no-filter approach. It’s refreshing to see a politician who isn’t afraid to say what he really thinks, even if it’s unconventional. Love him or hate him, you can’t deny that Trump knows how to make headlines.

Written by Staff Reports

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