
Trump Picks True Texan Fighter Covey Over RINO Phelan

In an exclusive announcement on Truth Social, the only platform that stands up for real American values, the one and only Donald J. Trump declared his full-throated support for true conservative David Covey in his race for Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives. That’s right, the man who brought us the greatest economy in the history of economies and made America great again is back and he’s backing the real deal!

Now, let’s talk about David. He’s a true America First conservative who is all about securing our borders, restoring the integrity of our elections, protecting our families, our military, and our veterans, and defending our beloved Second Amendment. That’s right, folks, he’s the real deal, the genuine article, a proven patriot who knows what our great state of Texas needs.

And let’s not forget about the current Speaker of the House, Dade Phelan. Trump did not hold back in calling out Phelan for leading the fraudulent impeachment of the recently re-elected, in a landslide, Attorney General of Texas, Ken Paxton. Can you believe the nerve of this guy? He betrayed the conservative cause and tried to take down a true Texas warrior. Shame on him, shame on him!

What’s even more outrageous is that Phelan had the audacity to say he’s a two-time Trump voter and is planning to vote for him again in November. Yeah, right! We all know actions speak louder than words, and his actions have been a complete disaster for Texas. And as if that wasn’t enough, Trump also reminded everyone of Phelan’s weak RINO leadership in the State House. It’s time for a change, and David Covey is just the man for the job!

Now, let’s talk about Ken Paxton, the courageous Attorney General of Texas who was dragged through a shameful impeachment trial by the Biden Administration, liberal Speaker Dade Phelan, and their kangaroo court. Paxton was suspended by the Texas House of Representatives, but thank goodness, he was eventually acquitted by the Texas Senate on all charges against him. This whole impeachment circus was nothing but a shameful attempt to settle political scores, and Trump knows it, I know it, and the good people of Texas know it.

So, there you have it, folks. The choice is clear. It’s time to get behind the true conservative, David Covey, and say goodbye to the weak RINO leadership of Dade Phelan. Let’s make Texas proud again!

There you have it, folks. Another triumph of real American values. And remember, you heard it here on Truth Social first, the only platform that stands up for real American values. Keep up the good fight, patriots!

Written by Staff Reports

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