
Trump Plans Pardon Spree if Re-Elected in 2024: Who’s on the List?

Former President Donald Trump is not wasting any time in planning his comeback to the White House. At the recent Family Research Council’s Pray Vote Stand summit, Trump revealed his intention to create a special task force to review the cases of “political prisoners” who he claims were wrongly prosecuted by the Biden administration. And you know the old saying, folks, if there’s one thing Trump loves more than a good tan, it’s a good pardon.

Trump promised that should he win the 2024 election, he would study the cases of every political prisoner who has been unjustly persecuted and swiftly sign their pardons or commutations on day one. Talk about efficiency! I guess if there’s anyone who knows about being unfairly targeted, it’s the guy who endured four long years of the biggest witch hunt in history – or so he says.

The former president specifically mentioned the lengthy sentences handed down to those involved in the January 6th unrest, calling it a “horrible thing” that deserves his attention. But let’s not forget, folks, that these people stormed the Capitol and tried to overturn a democratic election. So maybe they’re not exactly innocent lambs being led to slaughter.

But Trump’s not alone in his quest for clemency. GOP primary hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy also wants to play the pardon game. Ramaswamy believes that America has a two-tiered justice system, with Antifa and BLM rioters running amok while peaceful January 6 protesters are unjustly imprisoned. Seriously, is he watching the same news as us? Because last time I checked, those January 6 protesters were far from peaceful.

Ramaswamy even went a step further and pledged to pardon Trump himself if he’s convicted of any of his pending criminal charges. How generous of him! It’s like a Pardon Palooza! But let’s not forget that Trump still faces some serious legal troubles, and it’s not up to Ramaswamy or any other presidential contender to decide his fate. That’s what the courts are for.

At the end of the day, folks, it’s all just political posturing. Trump and Ramaswamy are trying to win over their conservative base with talk of pardons and promises of justice. But let’s not forget the real victims here – the American people who deserve leaders who prioritize the rule of law, not partisan grandstanding.

Written by Staff Reports

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