
Trump Promises to Appoint Libertarians to Key Positions in Next Administration

In a recent address at the Libertarian Party’s National Convention, former President Donald Trump made a bold declaration – if elected president again, he pledged to appoint members of the Libertarian Party to key positions in his administration. The crowd was a mixed bag of emotions, with some cheering and others booing at his promises.

Trump urged the Libertarians to back him in the upcoming election, emphasizing the need to oust what he called the “worst president in history.” He warned of the dire consequences of not uniting behind him, stating that the country would not survive another four years under the current leadership. 


Despite some opposition from attendees who passed out kazoos to disrupt his speech, Trump stood firm on his commitment to include Libertarians in his cabinet and other top posts. The crowd’s reaction was largely positive, showing support for the idea of collaboration between the parties.

The convention took an unexpected turn on Friday evening as delegates clashed ahead of Trump’s appearance, adding a layer of drama to the already tense atmosphere. Trump’s bold proposal has stirred up conversations within the political landscape, highlighting the potential for unexpected alliances and shifts in power dynamics. Whether this promise will come to fruition remains to be seen, but it certainly has sparked intrigue and speculation among supporters and critics alike.

Written by Staff Reports

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