
Trump Questions Origins of Immigrants’ High-End Cellphones at Border

Former President Donald Trump expressed his amusement during a campaign event in South Carolina at the sheer number of immigrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border who possess cellphones. In his characteristic humorous style, Trump pondered, "Isn't it strange… they come in by the tens of thousands, sometimes daily, and they all have cellphones. I mean, I ask, 'Where do they get those cellphones?'" Trump playfully commented on the quality of these phones, emphasizing that they aren't just ordinary phones, but rather "beautiful" and "expensive" ones.

With his curiosity still piqued, Trump turned to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) for assistance in solving this intriguing mystery. He quizzed her, "Do you want to look into that?" knowing she could swiftly unravel this technological enigma. The former president humorously contrasted the situation with the lack of cellphones among military veterans, further underscoring the irony of immigrants arriving with smartphones while those who have served their country lack the same luxury.

This puzzling phenomenon of immigrants possessing cellphones has not escaped the notice of conservative organizations. The Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project uncovered a staggering 30,000 cellphones at migrant aid shelters and U.S. Customs and Border Protection facilities. Through extensive research, including human intelligence sources and open-source information, the foundation revealed that non-governmental organizations have actively contributed to the escalating border crisis. It appears that while immigrants may lack certain necessities, a cellphone is not one of them.

This intriguing subject also prompted U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to disclose an interesting detail. It turns out that some immigrants receive cellphones without the ability to make calls or access the internet. Instead, they are equipped with an app called SmartLINK, which enables authorities to monitor their movements. This revelation only deepens the mystery surrounding why migrants are in possession of such devices.

As Trump humorously and inquisitively raises the question of how immigrants acquire cellphones, it also raises other concerns. From a conservative standpoint, it is crucial to delve into the root causes of immigration and the implications it has for national security and the well-being of American citizens. The presence of cellphones among migrants adds another layer to the ongoing debate surrounding immigration policies.

Written by Staff Reports

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