
Trump Rallies GOP Govs in Epic Border Battle Against Biden’s Failures

In a bold and decisive move, former President Donald Trump has rallied Republican governors across the nation to join Texas in its fight against the Biden administration’s failed border security policies. Trump, never one to mince words, called out President Joe Biden for his inability to secure our borders, labeling the situation a “National Security, Public Safety, and Public Health Catastrophe.” And boy, does he hit the nail on the head!

It’s no secret that Trump had the most secure border in history during his time in office. But what did Biden do? He managed to surrender our border faster than a kid giving up on a game of tag. We’re now facing an invasion of millions of illegal migrants, and where is Biden? He’s too busy tying the hands of Governor Abbott and the State of Texas, preventing them from taking action to protect our country.

But fear not, because the cavalry is coming! Governors Ron DeSantis of Florida, Kristi Noem of South Dakota, and Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma have all pledged their support to Texas and have promised to send resources to help secure the border. It’s about time someone had the guts to stand up to Biden’s lawlessness and put the safety of our citizens first.

Trump didn’t stop there. He made it clear that if he were back in the White House, he would work hand in hand with Governor Abbott and other border states to stop this invasion once and for all. He promised the largest domestic deportation operation in history, sending a clear message to those who have entered illegally that they will be going back where they came from.

Of course, Governor Abbott has faced criticism from the left for his actions. But let’s be honest, these are just more empty attacks from Democrats who care more about politics than they do about the safety and security of American citizens. They accuse Abbott of political grandstanding, but what they fail to see is that he is simply exercising his constitutional right to self-defense.

And let’s not forget the Supreme Court’s recent ruling against Texas’ installation of razor wire along the border. Despite the court’s decision, which favored the Biden administration, Governor Abbott pressed on with the installation anyway. That’s the kind of leadership we need – someone who is willing to defy federal authority and do whatever it takes to protect our country.

The border crisis has become a hot topic of debate, with House Republicans even considering impeachment proceedings against Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. It’s clear that there is widespread concern among conservatives about the Biden administration’s lack of action on border security.

In the end, Governor Abbott and the Republican governors who have pledged their support are on the right side of history. They understand that we can’t sit back and allow our country to be overrun by illegal immigrants. It’s time for Biden to wake up and take action. But until that happens, we’ll stand with Governor Abbott and the states that are fighting back against this invasion. Let’s secure our borders and protect the American people – it’s what we deserve.

Written by Staff Reports

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