
Trump Skips Debate, Still Dominates Polls!

Who needs debates when you’re already soaring high in the polls? Certainly not Donald Trump! The man has made it clear that he’s skipping the third GOP primary debate, and who can blame him? He’s already sitting pretty in first place, and there’s nowhere to go but down.

It’s incredible, really. Trump’s numbers remain unaffected despite missing both the first and second debates. And why should he bother? Attending these debates would only give his opponents a glimmer of hope, a chance to catch up. But let’s be real, folks. Can anyone honestly imagine someone outshining the one and only Donald Trump in just one night of debating?

Sure, there’s a minuscule chance that the absence of the almighty Trump could create an opening for a new number two contender. But honestly, who even cares? We all know it’s Trump’s race to lose at this point.

Let’s not forget the disaster that was Trump’s last debate performance. He stumbled and fumbled, failing to clearly denounce the Proud Boys. And guess what? People noticed. Even Republicans found it weird and unsettling. But hey, mistakes happen, right? For Trump, though, there’s no need to provide another opportunity for slip-ups.

It’s clear as day, ladies and gentlemen. Trump has nothing to gain from attending this debate. His popularity remains unscathed, his lead unassailable. So why should he give his opponents a fighting chance? The answer is simple: he shouldn’t. Trump knows that, and so do his supporters. It’s time to sit back, relax, and watch as the Trump train steamrolls its way to victory. All aboard!

Written by Staff Reports

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