
Trump Targeted AGAIN: DOJ’s Desperate Attempt to Criminalize Election Probes!

In a stunning development, it appears that Special counsel Jack Smith is continuing his crusade against former President Donald Trump with a fresh batch of charges. This time, Smith is accusing Trump of improperly raising political funds to investigate the alleged election interference by voting machines in the 2020 presidential election. Can you believe it? The audacity!

According to sources, Smith is zeroing in on former Trump attorney Sydney Powell and her non-profit organization, Defending the Republic. Powell’s organization raised funds to conduct investigations into voting machines in several key battleground states won by President Joe Biden. But apparently, Smith sees this as some sort of crime. Typical liberal logic!

Of course, post-election legal challenges are nothing new. Every presidential campaign has engaged in them at some point. But now, the Biden Justice Department is trying to criminalize these efforts, claiming that they crossed the line from protected free speech to illegal activities. It’s just another attempt to silence conservatives and undermine our democracy.

To make matters worse, Smith has already charged Trump with trying to replace electors in states where he believed voting machines malfunctioned. Seriously, is this what our taxpayer dollars are being wasted on? Instead of focusing on real issues like border security or the economy, Smith is using Civil War-era laws to accuse Trump of inciting a riot on January 6th. It’s nothing more than a politically motivated witch hunt.

It’s clear that Smith and his team are determined to bring down Trump at all costs. They’re grasping at straws, desperately trying to paint him as a criminal mastermind. But conservatives see through their charade. We stand with Trump and will not be swayed by these baseless accusations.

In the end, this is just another example of the left’s never-ending quest to undermine conservative voices and hold onto their power. But we won’t be silenced. We will continue to fight for our values and support leaders like Donald Trump who are unafraid to challenge the status quo. Stay tuned as this ridiculous circus continues to unfold.

Written by Staff Reports

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