
Trump Tramples Biden in Polls, Dems in Disarray as 2024 Heats Up

Conservative Commentator Kyle Becker here, and boy do we have some breaking news that’s got the liberal media shaking in their boots! According to a recent USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll, it looks like the former President, the one and only Donald J. Trump, is making a yuge comeback and leading current President Joe Biden in some crucial voting demographics. Trump is dominating in the polls, and the Dems are running for the hills!

The poll shows that President Trump has a three-point lead over Sleepy Joe among younger voters and a whopping five-point lead among Hispanic voters. And get this – Biden is even losing ground among Black voters, a demographic he heavily relied on in the 2020 election. You heard that right, folks! Biden’s approval among Black voters has plummeted from 87% to a pitiful 63%. It’s no wonder he’s sweating bullets!

But wait, there’s more! When you throw third-party candidates into the mix, Trump’s lead over Biden widens even further. Independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is gaining ground with 10% of the vote, and it’s clear that Trump’s lead is unstoppable. To top it off, a whopping 20% of Black and Hispanic voters, along with 21% of young voters, are considering throwing their support behind a third-party candidate. It’s absolutely disastrous for the Biden camp!

Now, let me tell you something, folks. With Biden’s age becoming a major concern for voters and his support dwindling among key demographics, it’s no wonder the American people are having second thoughts. It’s crystal clear that he’s past his prime at 81 years old, making him the oldest president in history. And by the time his second term ends in 2028, he’ll be a whopping 86 years old! Yikes!

But hold onto your hats, because the drama doesn’t end there! Despite being bombarded with legal challenges, including federal and state trials, President Trump has rallied a loyal following and is steamrolling his way to the 2024 presidential race. The man is absolutely unstoppable!



Written by Staff Reports

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