
Trump’s China Policies Showed Strength Biden’s Weakness Unraveling Progress

No president has done more to challenge China than Donald Trump. For years, political elites in Washington have treated China like a trusted partner, cowering in fear of the communist regime. However, Trump bravely shattered this fantasy, proving that the economy doesn’t have to be a hostage to China’s whims.

From day one, Trump took action by launching an investigation into China’s rampant theft of American intellectual property. With a “whole-of-government” approach, he initiated 210 responses across ten different departments, ultimately forcing China to revisit trade agreements. Under Trump’s guidance, American workers finally saw a renewed commitment to their interests instead of the tired old narrative that we had to play nice with a nation that was anything but friendly.

After four years of Trump demonstrating strength, both Main Street and Wall Street came to understand that standing up to China was not just feasible but essential. Trump knew that any retaliation from China would only endanger their own interests, which created a perfect storm of pressure. When he exited the White House in 2021, he handed down the baton to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, setting them up perfectly to keep the pressure on China. All they had to do was maintain the momentum.

Instead, what followed was nothing short of a capitulation. The Biden administration threw in the towel, eagerly appeasing President Xi Jinping. Biden and Harris rolled over on crucial issues like intellectual property theft and unfair trade practices, effectively allowing the Communist Party to operate with fewer restrictions. This surrender included endorsing the TRIPS waiver, which undermined global protections for American innovations. In a stunning twist, Biden and Harris actually paved the way for China to steal even more American technology.

While America watches in disbelief, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative has labeled China a high-priority threat for the nineteenth consecutive year. The estimated cost of this intellectual property theft is staggering—up to $600 billion a year. With increasing numbers, U.S. Customs and Border Protection finds that the counterfeit goods they seize overwhelmingly come from China and Hong Kong, capturing more than 83 percent of the total. But that shouldn’t come as a surprise; after all, the Chinese Communist Party’s specialty lies in lying, cheating, and stealing their way to technological advancement.

Congress is attempting to confront the issue with fresh legislation aimed at protecting domestic innovation. Bills like the Patent Eligibility Restoration Act (PERA) and the Promoting and Respecting Economically Vital American Innovation Leadership (PREVAIL) Act are signs of hope. However, enacting laws is only part of the solution; to be effective, a presidential administration must actually prioritize enforcement. Until the Biden-Harris duo respects American intellectual property rights, there can be no expectation that anyone else will either.

The lack of respect for U.S. intellectual property begins at the White House. Kamala Harris’s previous campaign for the presidency was marked by her pushing for a federal power grab using “march-in rights” to confiscate American drug patents. In a jaw-dropping 2023 move, Biden hinted at using these same rights against American pharmaceutical companies. What’s clear is that respect from the Chinese government will only materialize under a strong, resolute leadership—qualities that Biden and Harris have proven they do not possess. Kamala might talk tough about her role on the border, but the Chinese see through the facade and recognize weakness when they see it.

If the Harris-Biden administration is allowed to go unchecked for another four years, America risks losing the intellectual property that remains, leaving the country vulnerable to even more theft from the very nation that should be treated as a rival, not a partner.

Written by Staff Reports

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