
Trump’s Epic Clapback at Liberal Reporter Sends Media into Tailspin!

In a scathing tirade on his brand new Truth Social platform, the one and only Donald J. Trump let loose on New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman, dubbing her “Maggot Hagerman.” Ouch!

Trump’s fiery post took aim at Haberman for her coverage of a recent court case, accusing her of obsessing over a gag order instead of focusing on the case itself. He didn’t stop there, targeting the “Trump Hating Judge” and the “Racist Attorney General’s STAR witness” as well.

According to Trump, Haberman’s “FAKE story” was all about the judge’s gag order (apparently they enjoy silencing him), while completely disregarding the fact that the star witness stumbled and bumbled like a dog on the witness stand, even admitting that Trump never asked him to do anything wrong. To make matters worse, the witness confessed to lying under oath, again! Cue the new charges. This means the prosecution no longer has a witness or a case, folks!

And that’s not all. Trump blasted Haberman for conveniently leaving out the fact that the Trump-hating judge refuses to accept the Appeals Court’s decision that overturned him. Can you believe it? A judge not accepting a decision? Unheard of! In Trump’s opinion, Haberman needs to redirect her energy towards the corrupt prosecutors and judges who are filled with so much hatred and bias that they can’t make a fair and reasonable decision. He even threw in a little jab at New York, claiming it’s crime-ridden and dying. But fear not, he promises to save it in 2024. Talk about a superhero complex!

Of course, the liberal media couldn’t resist jumping on the opportunity to denounce Trump’s post. Mediaite published an opinion piece describing it as a “grotesque and childish insult” towards Haberman. They made sure to remind everyone of Haberman’s accolades as an award-winning journalist and author. They also pointed out Trump’s history of purposely misspelling her last name as “Hagerman,” just for an extra dose of pettiness.

As always, social media exploded with reactions to Trump’s bombastic post. Love him or hate him, you can’t deny that he knows how to stir the pot and get people talking.

Written by Staff Reports

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